New Piggies

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 9, 2014
Reaction score
Hi everyone :)

I'm looking for some advice. Iv never owned guinea pigs before and I now have 2 lovely girlies. One is very outgoing jumping (popcorning) everywhere but the other is very shy, she doesn't make any noise nothing. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestion to help me settle her or for her to come out her shell? Also any suggestions on food/veg daily routine anything would be appreciated :)
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Hi welcome to the forum, I'm fairly new here , everyone is very friendly and lots of experienced members will help you .
I have two baby girls called Mopsy and mitzy , what are your girls called?
Yes everyone has been great :) my girls are called jasmine and belle :)
hi, welcome. mine were exactly like that, wicca was and still is the shy one, hiding much more then turtle. but after time, and bribery (veggies and tv) she started to come out of her shell. and now i think shes as out as she will get, wheeking for tv time and cuddles.
Hello and welcome!

I hope they settle down. My two took time and within a month or so they started to get bolder and less worried. I found that bribery seems to work as well as time . Best of luck x
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