New Piggies Wet Bums!

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New Born Pup
Jan 6, 2015
Reaction score
Surrey uk
Hi I rehomed two boys last Friday. They are long haired and I've noticed their bum area is getting very wet and smelly. Would it be bad to give them a bum bath seeing as they are really nervous of me? I don't want them to be even more scared of me for it.
You could do just their back ends, very gently, suggest kneeling on the floor with bowl with just a couple of inches of luke warm water and small animal shampoo. Rinse with a jug of clean warm water. Near the floor is safer if they wriggle and you let go! Dry them very thoroughly and later comb gently through the hair, I have just trimmed the back ends of my long haired foster piggies, use round ended scissors to do this. This stops them getting so messy and means less chance of tangles and easier grooming. If you don't want to go for a full bath, using a wet facecloth will do a reasonable temporary job, dry them well afterwards.
Hi I rehomed two boys last Friday. They are long haired and I've noticed their bum area is getting very wet and smelly. Would it be bad to give them a bum bath seeing as they are really nervous of me? I don't want them to be even more scared of me for it.
I'd give them a bum bath & also trim the hair at the back end. I recently re-homed a sheltie. His bum hair was so long it had already matted. I cut out the mats & washed his butt the day I got him home. Then he went for a full all over clip & bath a a groomers run by a rescue just days after. I did not find this made him any more or less scared of me than the usual time it takes for a piggy to adjust to a new environment. Their health is more important anyway & you don't want to risk urine scald or infections.
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