New Piggies, Torn Ears And Best Location In House


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 30, 2018
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Hi all, got some beautiful piggies (unfortunately from pets at home, no other option here)... the girls said they were about 4 months not sure if they'e been homed then returned...they are very skittish. She also suggested the smallest cage and was shocked when I asked for the ferplast 120...sigh

They are 2 boys...i have given them 2 beds (just small box at present) and taken the one large sleeping area out... they have chosen to go into the separate beds tonight. I do hope they're has raggedy ears like they have little bits bitten off...not fresh wounds at all. Does the bedding area need to be 4 walls with an entrance or will a stick arch hidey be ok?

Also they are in our sunroom at present...ive realised they are very far away from family life...would been in a high traffic area help them to accept us quicker?

I love this forum!
Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new arrivals.
I would keep them somewhere quiet for the first 2 weeks until they get used to you and their new home and then see where they will fit in. My guineas are in my living room and are our main source of entertainment and I am sure we are theirs!
A stick arch will be fine my boars have one. Cardboard boxes and paper bags filled with hay are also great beds and playthings, they need replacing often though as they get wet! The important thing about their environment is temperature not freezing cold or boiling hot, does you sun lounge get a lot of sun, I suspect it would be too hot in the summer?
I would suspect if the ear wounds are not fresh this has happened at Pets at Home, the way they keep large numbers of boars in one enclosure is not ideal and leads to fights once the babies get to an age where dominance behaviour becomes an issue.
You may find these helpful.
Wannabe, New Owners & Childrens' Pets Guides
Hi and bless your boys, sounds like they have been through a bit of an ordeal but if you aren't witnessing any aggression then fingers cross they are well bonded. You still have the teenage months to come but with love, care and the space you are providing then hopefully they will come through it still bonded.

Beds/hideys don't need to have four walls at all and log tunnels are very popular. I think my piggies like to dash, reassess the situation, and dash again :)) tunnels are great fun for them and they will sleep in them too. In fact with boys you are much better having these tunnels with two exits incase things do get a bit tense as it lessens the chance of aggression.

As for where to keep them you can only try and see. I have had piggies that have reacted positively to being in a busy area of the house (that said there's only really two of us at most) but I've also had piggies that have come out their shell when I have put them outside and there's less human activity. Pigs all have such individual personalities so it really depends on the pigs
Hello and a warm welcome to the forum.

Great links given by @piggieminder. The best is the settling new and shy piggies How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
Id keep them somewhere quiet at first. Remember that they are prey animals. Announce yourself gently in a voice you would use with a baby or toddler to let them know you are there and arrive bearing gifts - green gifts - grass, herbs etc. They will soon associate you with the good stuff.

A stick hidey is perfect for settling piggies. None of mine sleep together so separate beds is the way to go as far as I’m concerned.

Look forward to seeing photos
Hi all, got some beautiful piggies (unfortunately from pets at home, no other option here)... the girls said they were about 4 months not sure if they'e been homed then returned...they are very skittish. She also suggested the smallest cage and was shocked when I asked for the ferplast 120...sigh

They are 2 boys...i have given them 2 beds (just small box at present) and taken the one large sleeping area out... they have chosen to go into the separate beds tonight. I do hope they're has raggedy ears like they have little bits bitten off...not fresh wounds at all. Does the bedding area need to be 4 walls with an entrance or will a stick arch hidey be ok?

Also they are in our sunroom at present...ive realised they are very far away from family life...would been in a high traffic area help them to accept us quicker?

I love this forum!

Hi and welcome

Pet shop personnel have a lot to answer for seeing the misery they create for the animals they are supposed to be knowledgeable about! :(

A couple of log tunnels is perfectly fine for your boys while they settle in and you assess them; it is also helpful during the teenage months between 4-14 months of age when testosterone spikes make life very lively. It is unfortunately impossible for you to find out whether the ragged ear happened at the mass breeder's or at their first home, so you have to see how they interact once they come out more. it is another myth that piggies sleep cuddled up all the time; in fact, most don't if they are given the choice, even if they are happily and stably bonded! Even most snuggle-uppers spend part of the night away from each other.

Please place a blanket or large towel over the cage to give them a feeling of security while they settle in. If they are in a cool room, this also helps to keep them warmer overnight.

Please take the time to read our new owners guide collection. You will find it very helpful as we are specifically addressing all the areas that new owners ask the most questions about and have problems with. We have included guides on settling in, making friends with, understanding behaviour etc. as well as care (including hot and cold weather care) and learning what is normal and what not. Our guide collection also includes links to recommended vets and good standard rescues in several countries. You can find more helpful guides via the shortcut on the top bar and are always welcome to ask any questions you may have along the way in our Care sections. We are a friendly forum and will answer them all!
New Owners' Problem Solver And Information Collection

Is your sun room fully isolated and temperature controlled? Guinea pigs need to ideally have a stable temperature range; thankfully about the same as we humans are happiest with. They do not do well with the extremes of weather and quick temperature swings. A conservatory is basically the same as a big car - in sun it overheats quickly and at night it gets too cold. Not good! Especially not in frosty weather like we are currently experiencing in the UK. :(
Guinea pigs have evolved living in groups in abandoned deep sets, which have a steady temperature, from which they roam a territory for grazing in the mornings and evenings when temperatures are at their most steady. They are not hardy and they can also die from heat stroke.

Since we have members from all over the world, we find it very helpful if you please added your UK county to your details, so we can tailor any advice and recommendations straight away to what is relevant for your area whenever needed. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. This makes it appear with every post of yours and saves us all time. Thank you!
Thank you all soooooo much! The links are fabulous! I'd read new owner info before we got them and am loving all this info . I'l double check Sun room temp...its heated so ok for winter but definitely a no go in will get v hot. Wind changed direction last night and it did feel cooler so they were moved into the study... so happy to have them :-)
They are lucky to have such a caring slave as you. Looking forward to hearing lots about them.

Be convert to log tunnels here, really helps with our girls chasing at season time...