New piggies - new owner!

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Hello all! :)

I have some guinea pigs questions I hope someone can help me with. I got my lovely piggies 2 days ago. Spooks (male) is 6 weeks old, and Moop (also male) is 9 weeks old. They were purchased from two different pet shops. They both seem to get along, and will snuggle up together. However, since I'm a new owner (i've only had a hamster, Dave (very happy little thing, spoilt rotten and loved loads) before) I'm a bit worried about my animals. I tried to give Spooks a little cuddle today, and he was very very skittish when i picked him up, he settled a bit when i stroked him on my stomach but then he bit me. I've heard that biting guinea pigs are unheard of. Moop just runs up my body and hides under my hair when i pick him up. I let them out of the cage today and Spooks ran to hide in a dark corner, and Moop just stood there. Didn't move even when I plonked down some hay next to him. I'm worried that they don't seem to be eating, just sat in their houses. I put down some guinea pig nuggets for them, and lots of lovely fresh carrots and cucumbers (in a seperate bowl) and lots of hay in a corner.

So, my questions are:
1. Why did Spooks bite me? What can I do to ensure that he doesn't do it again?
2. Why is Moop not interested in running around and exploring?
3. Why aren't they eating?
4. Will they ever warm to me? (i'd never give them away if they didn't by the way!)
5. Is it best that I just leave them to their own devices for the next couple of days, and not try and cuddle them? I do talk to them, and try and feed them little treats.

Any help that you could give me would be greatly appreciated, I just want them to have happy lives!

Thanks again!

Vicky xx
hi and welcome to the forum

i would say your pigs are still nervous as they arent used to you. it could take a few weeks for them to settle down

1)spooks could of bit you because he was still a bit scared and hasnt settled yet
2)again they might not be interested in exploring much until they have settled and know you and their surroundings better but then again i have a piggy whho isnt interested in exploring at all
3)it could take a few days for them to eat properly, as they are settling
4)they will warm to you with time :)
5) i would leave then for a few days. but keep talking to them, and offer them veggies from your hand. this is a great way for them to get used to you

their behavious sounds perfectly normal to me, they just need to get used to you :)

hope that helps
Thank you so much!

As we speak, Moop is chomping down on his carrots and Spook is hiding from me...don't think he likes the noise of me typing on the computer! Something he'll have to get used to!

Vicky xx
I have had Carl since January and he still tries to bite me. He just isn't a cuddly guinea pig. Give him time to settle in and hope he comes round. x
Thank you for your reply, Moop and Spook give their love to Lenny and Carl!

Hi welcome to the forum, i agree with the others, it takes time for pigs to settle, given time they should warm to you and their new surroundings :)
welcome to the forums from me and the girls from oz. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
it takes time and patience for the piggies to settle in and then get use to eachother and to you. put yourself in their paws, their whole world has been torn upside down, first they are born, then torn away from their family, put in with strange piggies, having these funny creatures walking pass (people)and lastly they are grabbed, put in a box and put into a moving object(car) and then put into a wooden thing with this strange piggy and this huge creature who keeps wanting to grab me. :o :o :o
now if you think of it like that how would you feel? i am surprised too that no one here has said as as both piggies came from 2 different petshops that no one has mentioned (a) you should have gone rescue and (b) you should have quarentined them from eachother incase of illness and (c) they should have been introduced slowly and in neutral terrority.
so like already said give them time, talk to them, and offer treats and when holding them perhaps wrap them in a towel so they feel secure. good luck and wishing you many happy piggy years a head of you. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
hi and welcome 2 the forum i thik you will find some plasing advice from here and some new friends xx0 xx0 O0
I bet your pigs are jst scared at the moment as you have said you have only had them 4 2 days they are sill getting used 2 who you are and what you want and doing for them.
You would be pretty scared if a bit fat hungry lion came to come pick you up or eat you tht is what they are feeling about you.When i fist got smudge he was really scared of me at first and he bit me and i had blood running everywer but inever got angry with him for it.
I still think he is cute and fluffy and i love him to peices i no what he was feeling.
But now he has settled dwn and lets me stroke him and he still is evil but he is still young and likes 2 run around and poop all over me i luv him when he does it cuz he makes me chukkle.
Just give it some time and i am sure you ill be best friends with them in no time.And there are lots of people on here tht can help with you were you can get hay and rescue pigs and tht.
So good luck all the best.
Anz x

Moop and Spooks give your girls big big kisses (but nothing else ;)) Thank you so much for your time in replying. Yeah, neither pet shop guy told me about quarantining, I'm just very very lucky that they got on instantly. I tried to get a rescue pig, but since I'd already got Spooks (actually a day before Moop) I called everywhere locally and they only had much older male pigs or female ones, and since Spooks is only 6 weeks old, the lady at the RSPCA said it was better to get one of a similar age. Speaking of that, she said that 6 weeks was very young to be selling a guinea pig, no wonder he lives up to his name and is spooked out at all times. I talk to both of them, give them little kisses and scratches, and gentley hold them. I guess it's going to take time :) They are both so gorgeous i will take some pics later when i can get them to play!

Anz thanks so much for your reply..I suppose i am like something coming to attack them! Bless him, Moop always skitters about when i'm near. I sang to him today and he sang back! Smudge sounds so cute! What a cute name!

Vicky xx
awww thts kk i have had guinea pig for about 7 years now blimey ol
yer i named him tht cuz he has a lil brown and black bum.
I like to help lol i am the walking tlking advice giver lol.
It was my pleasure to help you vicky.
Anz x
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