new piggies fighting :(

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Sep 3, 2010
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Hi all firstly i apologise as this may be long!

I brought 3 male guinea pigs Harry,Fluffles and Podge, approx 2 weeks ago from [email protected] are in a 2 storey 3 compartment hutch outside(will be moving them into conservatory soon).

Now from the beginning Harry has not got with either constant teeth chattering,fluffles ignores this but podge chatters back and seems just as bad but only towards harry.Podge and fluffles are together all the time and Harry is always alone.

This seemed to be working ok as there is plenty of room to keep out each others way etc.

Anyway this morning whilst cleaning them out i noticed Harry has dried blood under his nose and podges ear has blood on and looks a bit ragged round edge.

So oviously they have had a scuffle what do i do.I can quite easily separate them by shutting the upstairs off .I just dont want either of them to get badly hurt.
hi no one has replied to this yet! 3 is a funny number of pigs to have, of course some groups of 3 get on very welll but I have always found one pig gets left out :(
Especially with males I would never recommend a group of 3.
I would advise seperating them - perhaps you can keep an eye on the two boys who get on best, and keep them together, then get another friend for your left over boy.
Hi sorry to hear it sounds like your boys have had a fight, poor things.
I have three boys living together and it can work if you have the right personalities but is a rare thing. I have two extremely laid back boys! One not so but he's like the cheeky little brother.

Right, the two level hutches are not ideal for piggies because the ramps are steep and they can fall off them. When they've had a bloody fight the best thing you can do is seperate them as they're only going to keep hurting each other.

Have a look at this guide to boar behaviour, sounds like they've already got to the serious stage unfortunately.

I think Harry is probably going to have to be the one on his own for now. You could get him neutered so he could live with a female or pair him with an older boar (assuming he's a baby?)
There's always a risk that boars can fall out when they reach the teenage stage, two of everything helps!

Best of luck.
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