New Piggies Chosing To Spend Time Away From Each Other


New Born Pup
Sep 4, 2017
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Hi all, first time ever posting on an internet forum!

We have 2 girl piggies ( now 10 weeks old), they came home to us 9 days ago.
We have an outside hutch over 2 levels, top with sleeping compartment etc and ramp down to ground floor where we have put a tube and one of those wooden triangle hut things.

For the first week the piggies stuck together and slept in the sleeping compartnement but for the last 2 days they have separated with the larger piggie (peanut) staying upstairs and the smaller one (mr dinkles) has stayed downstairs and has been sleeping in the triangle hut thing.
She has gone back upstairs but seems to spend most of her time away from peanut - I've put extra hay with her so that she doesn't get too cold and added another water bottle and food.

Is this normal behaviour, or should I be worried? Any advice or tips?

I've not owned a guniea pig since I was a kid and the worries were all my mother's then!

Thanks everyone
Hi all, first time ever posting on an internet forum!

We have 2 girl piggies ( now 10 weeks old), they came home to us 9 days ago.
We have an outside hutch over 2 levels, top with sleeping compartment etc and ramp down to ground floor where we have put a tube and one of those wooden triangle hut things.

For the first week the piggies stuck together and slept in the sleeping compartnement but for the last 2 days they have separated with the larger piggie (peanut) staying upstairs and the smaller one (mr dinkles) has stayed downstairs and has been sleeping in the triangle hut thing.
She has gone back upstairs but seems to spend most of her time away from peanut - I've put extra hay with her so that she doesn't get too cold and added another water bottle and food.

Is this normal behaviour, or should I be worried? Any advice or tips?

I've not owned a guniea pig since I was a kid and the worries were all my mother's then!

Thanks everyone
Not all piggies feel the need to snuggle up together all the time. Some prefer their own space at times! They would have probably needed each other's support at first having been brought into a new environment!
Do they seem to be getting on ok with each other otherwise? As long as they are not seriously bickering and chattering at each other they will soon settle down peacefully either together or separately when they feel the need!
Not all piggies feel the need to snuggle up together all the time. Some prefer their own space at times! They would have probably needed each other's support at first having been brought into a new environment!
Do they seem to be getting on ok with each other otherwise? As long as they are not seriously bickering and chattering at each other they will soon settle down peacefully either together or separately when they feel the need!

Thanks for your reply! That's good to hear
There's no nipping at each other or anything and when we get them out for cuddles in the house I bring them in one by one and they aren't impressed that they other has been taken and give me a good squeak of annoyance and will then spend the time following each other on the floor.

I didn't think I'd get so emotionally attached so soon, but they are awesome and just want them to be comfortable and happy :)
It is a self-perpetuing myth that guinea pigs are snuggle uppers. In fact, the majority aren't and even the most closely bonded piggies will spend time apart. Always have as many hideys bowls and bottles as you have piggies; ideally more hideys than piggies.
It is a self-perpetuing myth that guinea pigs are snuggle uppers. In fact, the majority aren't and even the most closely bonded piggies will spend time apart. Always have as many hideys bowls and bottles as you have piggies; ideally more hideys than piggies.

That's the impression you get when you read all the books and leaflets isn't it. We have two bottles and 3 bowls so hopefully they will both be ok for and drink wise, topped up the hay too
I can only echo what others have said. I have a neutered boar and sow pair and I often find them at opposite endside of the hutch . They are a well bonded pair - as this picture clearly proves ...

Pigs are not constant cuddlers... spending time apart is totally normal. Most of my pigs have not enjoyed sharing a hidey unless it's nighttime.