New Piggies Are Shy And Scared

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 31, 2015
Reaction score
Hampshire, UK
we got our two new piggies Friday - they are about 20months old.

They're obviously pretty scared by the change of surroundings and they have stayed in the hidey area mainly. They do come out to feed and have stayed out a few times while we watched quietly.

Should I be attempting to handle them even though I know what will really stress them out. My plan was to leave them for a good few days more to settle more and learn we aren't evil!

Hello, totally normal honestly. We didn't see our first piggies out for weeks, even set up a video camera to see if they ever came out... Which they did when we weren't in the room :))

It is good they are coming out for food. I wouldn't handle them yet, maybe middle of next week, I know how tempting it is :) Maybe when they are in their hideys offer them food from your hand like a sprig of parsley or coriander. Talk to them so they get to know your voice.

Have a read of these threads, the picking up technique video is great too as it takes the stres out of picking them up which will help then get used to you
guinea pigs:
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How To Pick Up Your Guinea Pig

Exciting times, looking forward to hearing more about them
Great tips from @sport_billy above.

All piggies are different but you can expect them to take some time to settle in. One of my RB pigs (Fudge) would hold her breath and stay rigidly still while I was in the room. That took weeks for her to overcome. Others have been so laid back that they have actually slept out in the open on the first day I adopted them (Connie and Violet) - but I think they are the exceptions to the rule.

I'd talk softly and gently as you approach the room and keep doing so that they know the sound of your voice. I'd always arrive with a bribe (a slice of cucumber or a handful of coriander) so that they associate your arrival with good things. It's great that they are coming out for food. I had to put the bowls next to Fudge's hidey as she was so timid she wouldn't even come out for food at first.

The key is to be calm, patient, gentle and only to move very slowly as sudden movements can freak them out. I really wouldn't worry about handling them. They just need to settle in and get used to you first. They will soon be wheeking with excitement at the sound of you coming.
With all the piggies that come into Tees Valley Guinea Pig Rescue we try to get them to like us on a daily but gradual basis. Try to meet them on level terms, eye to eye rather than towering above them. Try to give them a little tickle between their ears or little stroke on back of their neck. You can start to to this when they're out eating & their hunger often overcomes their fear. Once they get used to you they will often come up to you to be stroked but don't worry if this doesnt happen immediately as it can be days for some & weeks for others :) x
we got our two new piggies Friday - they are about 20months old.

They're obviously pretty scared by the change of surroundings and they have stayed in the hidey area mainly. They do come out to feed and have stayed out a few times while we watched quietly.

Should I be attempting to handle them even though I know what will really stress them out. My plan was to leave them for a good few days more to settle more and learn we aren't evil!


Hi and welcome!

@sport_billy has already given you the links to our collection of tips. I would wait with handling until they are eating from your hand and so associate you with nice things and have started to trust you.

Here is a link to a bundle of information threads that deals with the most often asked for questions from new owners; you may find it helpful while you and your piggies get settled. You are however always welcome to ask any questions we may have. " Starter Kit" Of Information Threads For New Owners
Thanks everyone

The piggies and definitely getting more comfortable as they stay out now when we are around and even making noises.

Will aim to handle them this weekend.
One if the best tips is just sitting quietly holding a piece of their favourite vege. They start to warm up quite soon after that, once they learn you always bring the food.
This was very informative! I have a pair of babies that are roughly 4, maybe 5 months old. They are extremely shy as they weren't handled in a very friendly manner by the woman and child I adopted them from. Excited to try this stuff out!
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