New Piggie...

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Sep 21, 2009
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when can i start handling her? i just adopted her saturday, she was rarely if ever handles at her previous home, and very shy. however the few times i have held her she seems relatively calm when being long should i let her settle in for before hanging out with her? thankie!
thanks! i suppose i can be patient...le sigh...she is already getting a bit more brave, coming out to drink and eat while i am around. also i was opening a bag of chhetos and she got all excited and started of course i went and got her some veggies, for which she ran over to the side of the cage to greet me! squeeeee!
sounds encouraging!
I would give her a couple of days, take your next litter change as an opportunity to handle her in and out of the cage and let her go when she shows she has had enough. In the meantime, spend as much time with her talking to her, try hand feeding her too in the cage and if she lets you, pet her in the cag as well.
My boys are quite tame but they won't settle with me for a cuddle out of the cage, yet I can pet them no bother inside the cage and Finlay actually comes to me for a chin rub on the run BUT I can't pick him up. It works like that for them.
so she seems to be getting more comfortable! she spends much more time outside of her pigloo just moving about the cage. she even seems to have gotten use to the cats staring at her! now the wait is on for the introduction to the rest of the pigs. i am waiting of course to be sure that she is healthy, but also because i am a bit nervous! Tallulah Lemon, Honeybell, Valencia and Meringue have been getting along very well, and i am afraid of upsetting the balance. that and she is substantially larger than them. She is almost 1 year, and Lulu and HB are about 4 1/2 months and Val and Meringue just turned 6 weeks on wednesday. how should i go about this?
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