new piggie today

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Mar 22, 2007
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Hi all, Went to a rescue today to pick up 2 bonded girlie piggies, we arrived there to be told they had gone 2 days before.. :(
Anyway ended up taking home a male piggie, hes so cute but now have to find a partner for him.
Been told as my male is an adult I should get a male baby, so now on the look out for a baby male..
Thanks he is a lovely boy :smitten: do you think I should bath him with him coming from the rescue or leave him a few weeks ?
Hi & Welcome Karen :)

What a lovely boy he is :smitten: Whats his name?

I have never bathed my pigs! You only need to bath him if he has mites or gets mucky. Some people clean the piggies grease gland (located where a tail would be if they had one) with swarfega if it needs a clean, but this is something I haven't found the need to do either.

You don't necessarily need to bond him with a baby boar. It is possible for adult boars to be bonded (as I have recently done myself) but it does depend on the personalities of the piggies. The rescue should let you take your piggie along so he can choose a pal. If you go for a baby it needs to be one of about 6-8 weeks really, before they become teenage at around 12 weeks, as this will be when they may want to fight for dominance.

Good luck with getting him a friend soon. O0 He is a really lovely boy :smitten:
Another cute abby :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: I want an abby I love them :smitten:
He's a lovely piggie, I have a white abby, I really like 'tufty' piggies! :smitten:
he looks just like my 2 piggies but they are girls, there is a pic of them under my name
:smitten: :smitten: He GORGEOUS! :smitten: I can feel another bout of 'wanting new piggie' coming on! 98)
lavenderjade said:
He is adorable, best of luck finding a friend for him. Have a look at there is invaluable advice on bonding boars :)

I got him a friend on Saturday :) he's now got a 6 week old male piggie for company, they seem to be getting on really well and seem very close aleady..
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