New Piggie started biting me!

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Monty & BB

Well for a couple of days BB has started biting me and hubby, weve had Monty & BB for a week and I'm not sure what to do. Ive been handling them both for about 15mins twice a day....Monty is coming along great, happy to munch brocolli stalks from my hand etc....but BB isnt so happy with the handling. He goes straight in for a chunk of my coat! Their both about 5 months old...any suggestions as Ive got a 3 year old and I dont want any munched fingers! :{
Is he nibbling, young pigs often nibble to see if something is edible or not, especially zips, buttons etc.

If it's a proper bite - it could be that he's sensitive because of mites or similar, is his skin ok? The only time I've been bitten (apart from breaking up a fight!) is by pigs who have got skin problems and are really touchy, so worth checking that out first!

Good luck

Hmm I wouldnt call it a nibble, he goes straight through my coat, he sort of pushes his head up a couple of times then bites...his skin looks fine, not dry or flaking as I have been checking them over regularly as Monty had some minor scrathes on his back.
Some of mine "push their head up" as a sign they do not like whatever your doing at the time It may be that since his initial protests go unnoticed he is then using the teeth.
Is It happening when you are doing something in particular or stroking a certain area
My boy did this for a bit, not quite so bad now. I've worked out that it's usually when he has "ants in his pants" and wants to run about. He's still only 6 months and gets quite hyper. Likes to race about when he gets out of his hutch. So when he's being handled by me, he seems to get aggitated if I hold him to long as he wants to go explore and starts nipping at my fingers for me to let go. He's not quite so bad these days but still has a go now and then! He may be letting you know that he wants you to put him down so he can run about perhaps?
We have two new guinea pigs we have had them just over a week and they are just 10 weeks old! They have both totally different personalities! Gomez runs about mad on the floor but as soon as you go in for a stroke he will eventually let you pick him up for a long cuddle and he just literally lies there stretches out and becomes very lazy looking, which is lovely! Obama on the other hand me and my hubby have noticed is extremely hyper and we can barely pick him up for a cuddle at the moment he always excited to get out his cage and have his run about for a good hour before he likes his wee cuddle! Obama if you pick him up straight a way before his run about he tends to nudge his head to get you out of the way and run around you chest and behind his neck but he also nibbles on your fingers and I have taken this as a sign to let him go, cause as soon as he down on the floor again he is off! Hope this helps!
Since making this reply earlier this morning! Gomez bite my hubby but I think he was hungry!
Could Gomez smell veg or food on your hands?

If not, young pigs can have a habit of doing this and they do grow out of it. They just get very excited!
thanks for the messages...BB has been fine the past couple of times Ive handled him...I think he doesnt like getting touched around his head, Ive just been holding him and letting him do his own thing, neither of the piggies start scrambling to get away or anything which is nice.

Ive had them both for just over a week and thismorning let them out into their run for the first time, the stairs lead down from the main hutch...I'm just gunna go check on them in a mo to see if they have worked out how to get back up to their main hutch! they were having a good mooch about, in and out the pipes Id put in etc...munching on some green beans so I guess they werent to upset drool

I'm just gunna post a thread in behaviour to find out how intelligent piggies are....can you train them to use a litter tray? I managed to train my rabbits really easily & Ive noticed the 2 boys do their business usually in the same corner.

Were hopefully getting 3 more boars via helen & susie at Sokel Rescue soon...a rex and 2 babys...Ive caught the piggie bug thats for sure x)x)x)
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