New Piggie Mom ( Help with getting a veggie schedule ? )


New Born Pup
Dec 4, 2019
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I want to get into a schedule and was hoping you all could help me, I would like to type a schedule out so I know what I am feeding them each day/night. Could anyone post a schedule below for me to see? I do know they need about a cup of veggies/leafy greens a day for each piggie. I have two males, one is 2 months old and the other 2.5 months old. Lewis is a satin Guinea Pig and I know they can start showing signs of the syndrome at around 12 months of age, should he have extra vitamin c or d?
I base my piggies daily veggies on the sample plate in the first link below.
I feed my two piggies pellets and hay in the morning, hay throughout the day, and then in the evening they get their veggies and more hay.
I find it easier feeing their veggies in one go simply so that I do our evening meal veggies and prep the piggies veggies are the same time. Some people prefer to make up the whole days veg portion in the morning, then halve it and feed some in the morning and some in the evening.

Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
Edible And Forbidden Veg And Fruit List With Vitamin C Grading
My piggies always get a cup and a half of veggies daily, pellets, and endless supply of Oxbow hay. I separate their veggies into three portions so they get three means a day. Most regular veggies include romaine lettuce and celery with other veggies rotating for variety sake. Along with their daily veggies, I give them some herbs such as cilantro, parsley, mint, dandelions, and etc.

My piggies' favorites are carrot, apple, grapes, and other sugary snack but due to high sugar content, I give them small amount as snacks and not as their main food.

My Finn and Lara are pretty punctual when it comes to their food and snacks so I don't change much from their daily meal routine.
The sample plate that @Piggies&buns has linked to is a great guide. My piggies pretty much always get a slice of cucumber each for breakfast, and a slice or red pepper plus some sort of leaves for dinner, with about 12 pellets each per meal, then unlimited hay to snack on, as a basic feed 5 days a week. I rotate leaves so sometimes its coriander, sometimes babyleaf salad, sometimes little gem or romaine lettuce- once or twice a week it might be higher calcium veg like parsley or dill or spinach. About twice a week (shopping days or cage clean days!) I give them a greater variety of veg- bistro salad mix that has grated beetroot in, beansprouts, babycorn, stringless beans, sometimes a small amount of carrot get rotated in- and on those days I tend to leave out the pellets!