New Pig

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New Born Pup
Oct 6, 2014
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I took home my first pig last week. I try to talk to him whenever I pass his cage (in a high traffic location). When I got to pick him up, he doesn't have a problem with it. I know he is scared and is adjusting to his new living arrangements. I take him out everyday and let him walk around and play, but he just sits in one area or hides by my leg and covers his face. So I usually put him back in his cage, so that he does not get over stressed. I give him carrots and green peppers. He eats a few bites of both. I am just wondering what else I can do to make him more comfortable. I know it is better to have another pig for their bonding. I cannot get another one at this point in time. I do talk to him and hold him. He does not normally make too many noises, and he just freezes. The last few days he has started sniffing around when I hold him. For the most part when he is in his cage he sits in his house. When I watch TV, I notice that he comes out and will eat, but then he notices that I am acknowledging his movements. What can I do to help him adjust? If I am doing anything wrong, please let me know. I do not want to upset him. I just want for him to be comfortable and happy.
To be honest, to help him adjust, he needs a piggie pal. As far as I've read or heard from very experienced piggie owners, they thrive with at least one other pig. Sure, you as a human can give him all the attention he could wish for. But, no one can give him some sweet piggie pillow talk, comfort, and relation like another pig can.
Also, you say you give him some veggies, and that is great! But pigs need an unlimited amount of hay as they have unrooted teeth that never stop growing. Without a constant supply of hay, the can have overgrown teeth which can cause serious issues and cause them to stop eating that can also lead to many other problems.
Their diet is 80% hay, 15% vegetables, and 5% pellets (if I'm getting that correctly.)
How old is your pig and how large is his cage? Piggies need quite a large cage so they can run around and get some exercise.
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Hi and welcome!

You may find these information threads here helpful for settling in your little guinea pig:

You can find lots more information for new owners at the top of our various Care sections.

In the longer term, you may want to consider getting him/her a same sex friend, as guinea pigs are group animals and not wired to live on their own. You are also missing out on the lively interaction that makes them so unique.

Please also make sure that you either get insurance or build up a vet fund, so you can afford costly vet care at any time. Illness and emergencies never happen in a convenient moment, but the sooner treatment can be started, the better the outlook for a good and quick recovery.

Where in the world are you? It would help us greatly if you added your country, state or (for the UK) your county/city to your details, so we always can give you the best advice for your part of the globe straight away. You can do so by clicking on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. thanks!
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