New pig or not?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 11, 2010
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Hi all

I'm kinda wondering what the best thing to do is and looking for thoughts and suggestions.

This year my two elder statespigs have left us - Woolly from heart disease in September and Bingo from a likely tumour earlier this month. They weren't particularly dominant - my crew aren't really like that - but they were my first pigs, a bit older than the other two and were sort of mariarchs to the crew. They were both girls, about five and a half years old when they died.

I still have Rory and Winnie. Rory is a neutered boy, about four and a half years old. Winnie is a girl and about four years old. They were OK with the loss of Woolly but since Bingo has gone as well, they seem a bit different. I haven't noticed a huge change in Rory but Winnie certainly seems a bit less active, more quiet and listless. Winnie is a very intelligent pig - always had that sort of glint in her eye which meant she was plotting something she shouldn't! She's just kinda lost a bit of a spark.

I've been weighing them and there's no huge change in weight - Winnie has gained a little and Rory has lost a little - nothing significant. They're eating OK. It's one of those things you can't really put your finger on or explain properly but you just know that something is just not quite right!

So, what do I do about this? Do I let them ride it out and hope for the best? Do I try introducing a new pig? If I do try a new pig, then what sort - in terms of gender, age and temperament?

I've read that changing lots of things can help them refocus. I have a huge cage though and there's nowehere else I can put it. And my working hours mean I can't really change their feeding routine. The only thing I really can do is try some different things in the cage, which I will this week. I'll get the sewing machine out! They're also due for a vet visit in January for a toenail trim and a check up - I'll speak to the vet about things too.

What do you think?
Sorry no advice really as I haven't had to face this yet. But it does sound like Winnie is grieving. I know my Hazelnut pines whenever his cagemate Peanut Butter goes to the vet for dentals. Perhaps Winnie was especially close to Bingo or is taking it hard that two of her girly cagemates have gone so quicky within each other. Perhaps you can take her and your boy to a rescue for sow dating and see if they will both accept a new friend?

Hopefully someone else will come along and give you advice.

Sorry to hear about your girls. I had a very similar situation this year when losing my beautiful 7 year old girl. She was also a matriarch and the others were lost without her. I considered downsizing to the remaining three but like yours, they were just a little lost. Lost the spark they had as you explain. Like you, i had a huge c&c cage and they just used half of it, just moping around. So in the end i relented and after 8 weeks i took all of them to a rescue (Wheek and squeak near Southampton) and they chose 3 more friends. Two baby girls and a mature sow. They are now so happy! Its the best thing i ever did. In fact whilst i am used to having 6 (1 neutered boy and 5 sows) this herd has just gelled brilliantly. I think because they chose who they liked. So from personal experience i would say go and take them dating !
I'd definitely get in touch with some rescues to see if you can "date" your piggies. I rescued two new piggies a couple of weeks ago and tried to bond them and it didn't go so well - I had assumed my OH had read up on what needed to be done as he took charge of it, but as ours were all the same age it didn't work. I seem to remember reading that if you have two older piggies, a young pig can sometimes bond better as they tend to take them under their wings.

Sorry for the loss of your piggies x
Thanks all :)

I'm trying hard not to project my thoughts and assumptions on to them as to how they're feeling, but I do think Winnie misses a bit of intelligent female company. Rory is lovely but he wasn't at the front of the queue when the brains were being handed out! And although he is a reasonable age, he behaves like an eternal teenage boy.

How does dating work exactly? Do you put your own pigs in an open cage with prospective new friend pigs? Have never done or experienced this before!

I'll give it a couple of weeks, make sure they've had their vet check up and have a clean bill of health before I do anything.
I have often found that putting young ones with elders work best but its not always the case. In my last case they actually needed a matriarch so a more mature sow worked best. With regards to the dating, typical you would discuss with the rescue centre the type of characters your piggies are. He/she should then form a good idea of which guineas will be best . Then you put them in a large cage in neutral ground and watch! It's not usually long before you get an idea! I have had a sow rise up and attack violently within seconds. Thats very unusual though (not ever happened since). Last time it took an hour to be certain but its well worth investing the time.
Thanks GS :)

I am still entirely in two minds as to whether a new pig is the right thing for both them and for me. To be brutally honest, I am feeling a certain relief both financially and in terms of fridge space (!) with only two pigs. Having said that, if I think that a new pig would be significantly beneficial for Rory and Winnie and if the vet and any advice fom my local rescue agrees, then that will absolutely be what I will do.

I think once this evil weather clears up a bit I will arrange to go and have a 'no-strings' chat with one or more of my local rescues. There are a few places on the Piggy Bank map within sensible driving distance.

Just made a serious mistake - looked at Suzy's Glynneath GPR site - spotted Lorrie and Macie who remind me very much, looks-wise, of Bingo and Woolly! Think that might be a bit weird though, adopting pigs who look like ones I've lost!
I was going to downsize, like you cutting bAck to 3 from 6 made a huge difference in time and money. My lovely girl was black. I said i would get one more guinea (a mature female) and no black ones. Well i ended up with two babies and a mature sow. Two of the three are black! So you just dont know where fate will take you! Take your time though and do whats right for you all. Good luck!
Yep - I was quite comfortable with the thought of downsizing but know that there's no such thing as going looking for one pig! You look for pig(s) and you come home with as many as you come home with.

Made another mistake - looked at yateanimalfoster's thread about the himmis she has. She's very local to me...

But I know I have to hold myself back until we've seen the vet - want to be sure Rory and Winnie have a clean bill of health before I take them dating. Also, I don't want to knowingly give myself more than one animal 'issue' to deal with at once - Silvie cat hasn't been well lately (flu relapse) but I think she's on the mend now. I would prefer her to be better before I take on any new pig(s)!
I'm glad I'm not the only one Anna at the Wheek and Squeak has that effect on. The first time I adopted from her I went for 1 pig and came back with 4!
Good luck with the dating if that's what you decide to do. Letting them choose their own friends is a very good idea.
I know, she just has that effect!

Good luck with everything and good on you for erring on the side of caution first. Its so easy to rush in.
I am arranging to go and have a chat at Yate Small Animal and to see the Himis :)
Great news! If Yate is not a success, you can also contact Windwhistle Warren near cheltenham; they are a good rescue that will allow you to bring your group to find piggies that will fit in. Dating is still by far the best and most risk free way to create a new small group that gels. Age is much less an issue than character compatibility and mutual liking. Thankfully, with sows you will know quite quickly whether things have the potential to work out or not. I am a big fan of dating at a rescue myself.

Best of luck!
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I'm pretty sure Yate will have somepig for us - there are several Himi ladies and another group of 'various' ladies for us to choose from. Windwhistle Warren are definietly also on my list, Yate's just a bit closer for me.

I saw the Himis - they are so lovely :) And I saw the babies - they're TINY! But so cute. I've never seen baby pigs in the flesh before! I'm not too hot on breeds and types but the non-Himis were mostly fuzzy ones, one with slightly longer, curly fur and one little smooth dark agouti. I'm sure there will be somepig amongst them who my two would like to adopt :)

Going to get Rory and Winnie a quick vet check over the next couple of weeks and then take them up for some dating - they're very happy for me to do that.

How does dating work - how will I know when we've found the right pig?
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