New pig introductions not going well


New Born Pup
Apr 1, 2023
Reaction score
Hi everyone. I had two skinny pigs, Porky and Beans, but Beans passed recently. I went through a rescue when I got them that houses a lot of guinea pigs. When Beans passed I went back to this rescue to get Porky some new friends.

I kept them fully separated from Porky while they quarantined and then split Porky’s cage down the middle so that everyone could interact and see each other safely. After about a week where I saw no issues between them, I started introductions in a neutral area.

Introductions have not gone well. The first time I put all three of them together and one of them, Shizu, got into it with Porky and drew blood. I gave everyone a few days and decided to try Porky and Blinky together without Shizu in the mix. It was going well until Blinky also drew blood.

I’m at a loss for what to do and can’t keep putting Porky in situations where she’ll get hurt. She’s already easier to injure because of her being hairless and that might be part of the issue. Any advice? I’m afraid that this won’t just be an issue with the two newbies and will happen with any guinea pigs. The good news is that Porky is doing well by herself, I was worried she’d struggle without Beans around. Please help!
I’m sorry to hear this.

How old are they all?
Can you explain, exactly what happened for blood to be drawn? Was it a full on fight?
Did one of the others go for her, or did she fight back etc?
The details of what actually occurred may make a difference to our advice.
Any bond comes down to character compatibility so it doesn’t mean it will happen with any pig, it just means that maybe she isn’t able to get on with these two.
The issue with bonding a single pig with an already bonded pair (assuming Blinky and Shizu were an already bonded pair) is that the pair may not be willing to accept a newcomer into their relationship. It can be easier to bond a younger single sow with a bereaved sow.

Where you go from here though depends on your circumstances and whether you are able to keep two cages
If you are able to keep the new piggies, then they can live in one cage together and Porky can live in an adjoining cage by herself. She will still be able to interact with Blinky and Shizu through the bars which gives her the interaction and companionship but also gives her her own territory.
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)
I actually purposely chose two guinea pigs that did not seem to be bonded at all to give Porky a better chance of being accepted by them. I also got two to add to the family because when one passes they still have another they’re comfortable with and also allows me more time to grieve since I wouldn’t have to scramble to find them another friend.

Porky is definitely displaying dominance towards them but was more timid during her second introduction with Blinky. She tried to hold her ground but ultimately ended up trying to avoid her, then Blinky went after her. The first introduction with Shizu though definitely seemed like both of them were displaying dominance before going at it. When Shizu drew blood she got her neck but I didn’t see much else. Blinky did more damage, even though I separated them as soon as things escalated. She drew blood near her lip and butt and also left some bite marks that didn’t bleed.

If it came down to it then I’m sure I could find the space to house them separately permanently but would obviously prefer that Porky has someone she gets along with. The rescue is being very understanding and if it’s best, I can always try other piggies that they have to see if they do better.
I’m sorry for your loss. Is there any chance you could take Porky to the rescue to do a bit of speed dating? That way she only comes back with a piggy she gets on with. And would you consider bonding her with one piggy?

Living as neighbours is not ideal but it still provides them with the interaction and company they need. So perhaps do consider keeping the pair next door to her where they can talk to each other but have their own space.
How exactly would dating work? The rescue keeps all of the females together in an area, and there are 20+ of them. Would she be put with them and just see who she gets on with? I love the idea but I won’t lie, it also scares me a bit!
They could perhaps choose one to put with her in a neutral area. She can’t just be put in with them as that’s throwing oil onto the fire. They would see it as invasion of their space so would get their heckles up before she could introduce herself.

How old are they? As suggested above, perhaps you could choose one younger one to try her with?