New pig before & after pics

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I picked up some piggies that were on Guinea Pig Rehome on Saturday. I was initially going for the one but someone asked me to pick up the other two in the herd. They are all staying here for quarentine but I am keeping Sunshine 0:) The two crazy looking pigs are sisters, they desperately needed a hair cut bath & health check, I've put up before & after pics.
This is Possum, we think she could be an abyruvian! (these are the before pics).



This is Fro (afro!) before pics


And this is my Sunshine on the grass today - she didn't need anything doing so no before & after for her!

These are the after pics. I ended up taking the clippers to Fro because her hair was sooo thick & hot. She even attemped a pop corn on the grass - but a bit too heavy to take off!
Possum just got a good trim.


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

LOVE them, especially Possum! ;)
Thanks she has a bit of Satin in her, my daughter re-named her. As soon as she saw her she said she looks like Sunshine. I couldn't call her anything else :smitten: they all have amazing temperaments.
I love Fro :smitten:

with her haircut she looks a bit like my Peppa =]
What a difference they are beautiful piggies :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Well done - what a positive difference you made to their locks of hair!
:) I think Sunshine has more than a bit of Satin in her Hils she doesn't look far off a show quality/breeding guinea. She's gorgeous and much like my Twiggy. Love the Hairies too, they look like a Peru thats been well clipped and grown it back and a Texel thats been clipped before. I've clipped all mine off too in anticipation of the heat, they don't look quite so appealing for rehoming now ::)
oh wow! Fro and Possum must feel so much cooler without all that matted dirty fur, good job! O0
karenrgpr said:
:) I think Sunshine has more than a bit of Satin in her Hils she doesn't look far off a show quality/breeding guinea. She's gorgeous and much like my Twiggy. Love the Hairies too, they look like a Peru thats been well clipped and grown it back and a Texel thats been clipped before. I've clipped all mine off too in anticipation of the heat, they don't look quite so appealing for rehoming now ::)
I am rather in love with Sunshine already - she is quite spectacular & nice & chunky too.
I did wonder if Fro is Texel but the girl said that she'd never trimmed her - who knows. I know that I feel better looking at her now with all that hair gone it made me feel hot....she does still have loads though!
Possum is a funny kind of Peru, she does seem to have rosettes all over her (under all that hair) I don't know much about Perus so don't know if they have that. That was her first cut & wash, I dont know whether to take Possums hair down a bit more before her next wash. They are still a bit stinky despite having a really good bath. I'm going to let the oils get back in their coats for a week or 2 & give it anoter go - hopefully that should bit it then for a while.
I am going to give Sunshine a bath in a mild conditioning GG shampoo tomorrow - depending on weather. I don't want to do all this grooming on the hairies & leave her with a unwashed, yet beautiful coat.
Eve (my daughter) keeps singing 'Bring me Sunshine..' I can't stop singing it myself now! 98)
What wonderful looking piggies, all of them! :smitten: :smitten: Your Sunshine is an absolute babe!

I love the other two, they are gorgeous. How different they look with a haircut! (I love Sunshine's piggylips)
They are gorgeous pictures! :smitten:
OMG HILERY! I SEE WHAT MY MUM MEANS BY SHINEY GIRL! AWWWH SHES ABSOLUTLY STUNNING You'll have to keep me away from her if I come round again! Oooooh she's yummy!

And the other two look SOOOOOOO fluffy, they're like big fluff balls! They're gorgeous! Awwwwh! OOOO ALL I CAN'T SAY IT AWWWH! They're gorgeousl! The lot of them!
Yep I'lll hold her down & you can do the frisking!

I have them in serious quarentine at the moment because of a 'possible' touch of fungal & also as ever poss mites. They're happy pigs though. Fro is so big its unreal! I do think she could do with a better name though!
Awwwh looks like i'll have to stay at hilerys a while cause I cannot get over the gorgeousness of sunshine!

Hmmm another name for fro.... How about Beverly? I thought of the film 'Beverly hills ninja' and well, your names hils, and the ninja in this film is fat, and well, fro is big and fat :p lmao
If they've never been clipped then they're probably crossbreeds. Perus have 2 rossettes on their bum which throws their hair forward, but sometimes they have more than 2 depending on their breeding ::) If she's got lots then I would suspect a Dolly Mix too- or Bertie's Allsorts ;D
Ali your brain works in a similar way to mine - overload! I do pity your mum when I visit!
karenrgpr said:
If they've never been clipped then they're probably crossbreeds. Perus have 2 rossettes on their bum which throws their hair forward, but sometimes they have more than 2 depending on their breeding ::) If she's got lots then I would suspect a Dolly Mix too- or Bertie's Allsorts ;D
Its difficult to tell where it goes to be honest - it looks like mine in the morning! she seems to have a rosette on her sides - exactly the same place as her sister Fro. Clipping her was a blinking nightmare. I think you're right with the DollyMix idea, I've never seen anything like it 8)
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