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New Pig After a Loss


New Born Pup
Mar 27, 2025
Reaction score
Hello, this is my first time posting here but I felt like I needed advice before doing anything.

One of my piggies, Sundae, just passed away this morning after a hard fought battle with a tumor. This means my other piggy, Nutmeg, is now alone. I know it's important to not keep pigs alone and Nutmeg is fairly social so I know it would be very bad for her to be alone. The problem is I have no idea how long to wait before getting her a friend, nor do I know how to find the best possible match for her.

Sundae and Nutmeg are sisters and have never known any other pigs, it's only ever been just the two of them. I got them almost 4 years ago so it's been a long time of only having them. But because of this, I don't know how long to wait. I don't want to find another pig too soon and have Nutmeg be hostile and reject it, but I also don't want to wait too long and have Nutmeg be too depressed by that point.

So how long is appropriate to wait? And how does the meeting process factor in to that time? I plan to have pigs my entire life so the cycle of getting pigs isn't a problem. I just want to do what's best for Nutmeg.
I’m sorry for your loss

Generally they are ok alone for 1-4 weeks but it depends on how they cope.
Acute pining is rare (ie they stop eating, go into depression) but if that happens then a new friend is needed immediately.
If a pig is otherwise ok, still eating, moving about etc then you have time to get in contact with a rescue centre if possible and arrange for their help in getting a friend.

A bond only works on character compatibility - the two piggies have to like each other.
A rescue will help ensure they have compatibility. It may be that she chooses either another sow or a neutered boar to be her new friend.
If you have to buy a new pig (due to no rescue being available for example), then you won’t know if the two pigs will get on. You would do better to get a baby sow as they are often easily accepted by the original pig but sows can be harder to bond with a new friend as they get older so there is no guarantee.
Should a bond fail, then having a backup plan in mind is a good idea - that plan is that the two pigs would have to live in separate but side by side cages for through the bar interaction only.

I’ve added some guides below with further information

Looking After a Bereaved Guinea Pig
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including mounting and ovarian cysts)
So sorry for your loss.
How kind you are thinking of Nutmeg’s needs while your grief is so raw.
I would echo @Piggies&buns advice regarding a new companion for her.

Be gentle with yourself as you grieve
I'm so sorry for your loss... we had a pig named Sundae many years ago too.

Piggies&Buns gave good advice above... before bringing another pig home, I would make sure to read the guides about introductions so you are somewhat primed with what to expect. Introductions need to be in a neutral space (we actually put towels down in our bathtub and do it there- we put a pig at each end and let them approach each other when they're ready.)

((HUGS)) to you while you grieve and find a potential friend for Nutmeg. It's not easy, but you're doing the right thing for your piggy's happiness!
Thank you, that helps a ton. I'm glad a rescue will help with the character match, I was so worried about Nutmeg not liking a new pig and me not knowing what to do. I'll be sure to read the guides as well to help make it as smooth as possible. I've never had to do an introduction before so I was worried about how that would go. Thank you for the help!