new pairing :S

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Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
Doogle and rumpole are now in their cage together for the first time. Have done everything as per instruction.... doogle is trying to asssert his dominance.... lots of strutting, rumbling, and mounting. Rumpole (who is the new piggy) is just sitting in the corner, occasionally batting him away.
How long does it taje to see an improvement?
Of course, I'm not expecting anything today, they are indoor piggies so Ill probably sleep on the sofa tonight to make sure theres no fighting....
ANy advice would be really appreciated!
Sounds all good so far. The aim of the game is to end up with one dominant and one submissive, as pigs aren't the best and comprimising. Rumpole sounds like a laid back chap, and you may be lucky and he might be more than happy to take the back seat and let Doogle do the performing.

I would leave them to sort themselves out unless it gets to the stage of constant teeth chattering, and the launching of pigs onto one another with full intention of pain infliction. Would be a good idea to keep a towel or some sort of solid partitioner next to you on the sofa tonight incase it gets to this.

Good luck! I wish my two lads would sort it out, and its been months!
It sounds pretty par for the course - and no signs of danger. I think you can relax somewhat!

Dominance can go on for a few weeks until all sides have had their input and drawn their lines. Many boar pairs will see a daily display of the rumblestrutting/mounting behaviour throughout their life together.
there is a fair bit of teeth chattering...although its occasional more than constant. although they'll have a bit of a stand off and then go back to eating. I will take Doogle out for some lap time later, although I'm not sire ( and again any advice would be appreciated) if it is too soon to handle Rumpole. I'd like to check Doogle hasnt nicked him. Id also like to give him a brush (he is long haired) and is now having a bad hair day due to all the chasing!
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