Owners' Comprehensive Helpful and Supportive Information Collection


Staff member
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Coventry UK
1 Guinea pig species needs and human ownership
- Social needs of guinea pigs
- Family and classroom guinea pigs
- Naming considerations and finding out the breed
- Pet Owners Anxiety

2 Getting, settling in and interacting with new guinea pigs; pitfalls and customer rights
- Where to best get your piggies from and what to look out for in newly bought guinea pigs
- Settling in and interacting with your guinea pigs
- Dealing with interactive problems

3 Behaviour and guinea pig bonds
- Understanding guinea pig behaviours
- Pairings and getting more piggies
- Bonds in trouble: problems, fall-outs and bereavement

4 Housing, enrichment and travelling
- Starter checklist
- Cages and hutches
- Bedding
- Safe and unsafe enrichment, member recommendations and irritants in the home
- Travelling by car/train and improvisation

5 Weather extremes, fireworks and the outdoors
- Extreme weather care and fireworks
- Safe lawn time and preparing for it
6 Diet: Water, hay, veg, pellets and healthy treats
- One stop comprehensive diet guide (including special diets)
- Food groups in detail with further resources and sourcing tips

7 Weekly health checks and regular grooming care
- Life-long weekly health checks
- Regular grooming care
8 Illness: Preparing for illness, vet care and emergencies (including Covid-19 information)
- Preparing for illness
- Wiebke's Guides to the body: What is normal and common illnesses
- The need to save up for vet care and payment support
- Covid-19 and other cross species transmission concerns

- Early signs of illness, how quickly to see a vet
- Accessing emergency resources and care advice

9 Resources
- Recommended vets in several countries
- Recommended rescues in several countries

1 Guinea pigs and ownership
Social needs of guinea pigs
Guinea Pig Facts - An Overview

Guinea Pigs And Rabbits - Why Not

Journey through a Life Time: The Ages of Guinea Pigs
The Herd, the Group and I: Investigating Guinea Pig Identity and Society

Family and classroom guinea pigs
Children And Guinea Pigs - A Guide For Parents
Children And Guinea Pigs - Age Appropriate Interaction And Responsibilities.
Human Bereavement: Grieving, Coping and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children

Guinea Pigs as Classroom Pets - Why Not

Naming considerations and finding out the breed
Guinea Pig Names: Considerations, solutions, inspiration and resources
What breed is my guinea pig? Picture guide to common pet breeds (only visible to registered members)
Picture guide to guinea pig coat colours agouti shadings roaning (only visible to registered members)

Pet Owners Anxiety
Pet Owners Anxiety - Practical Tips For Sufferers and For Supporters

2 Getting, settling in and interacting with new guinea pigs
Where to best get your piggies from and what problems to look out for

Where to best get your piggies from safely and information on the most common problems with new guinea pigs, including information on your customer rights.
Rescues, shops, breeders or online? - What to consider when getting guinea pigs
New guinea pigs: Sexing, vet checks&customer rights, URI, ringworm and parasites

We encourage our members to acquire the life skill of being able to sex their guinea pig on their own with a hands-on examination of the areas where the gender differs considerably with the help of our guide, However, you are always welcome to double-check by posting a clear and day-lit picture in our sexing section, which is specially monitored by experienced members.
Illustrated Sexing Guide

Unplanned pregnancies and surprise babies are sadly not all that uncommon due to mis-sexing or not separating from boars soon enough or not at all. Please be aware that sows can be already pregnant but not showing when you buy them from a shop or breeder.
Please start a specially monitored support thread in our Pregnancy and Baby Section (only accessible to registered members who have signed our strict no intentional breeding policy during registration) and carefully read our step-by-step guides, which have been specially written for inexperienced owners.
Pregnancy, Mother & Baby Care Guides (only visible to registered members who have accepted our non-breeding forum policy)

Settling in and interacting with your guinea pigs

Arrival in a home from the perspective of pet shop guinea pigs

New Guinea Pigs: How to Best Manage Arrival and Settling In
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?

Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering And Cuddling Tips
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig Safely

Dealing with interactive problems
Who is the boss - your guinea pig or you?
" Biting" And What You Can Do (Biting, Tweaking, Nibbling and Nipping)

3 Behaviour and guinea pig bonds
Understanding guinea pig behaviours and social interaction

A- Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours
'Popcorning' and 'zooming' - joy and exuberance (videos)

Step-by-step Bonding Guide with interactive behaviours and dynamics
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics

Gender specific information
Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)
A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars

Pairings and getting more piggies
Single Guinea Pigs - Challenges and Responsibilities
A Closer Look At Pairs (Boars - Sows - Mixed)
Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?

Bonds in trouble: Problems, fall-outs and bereavement
Reacting to group or territorial changes: Dominance and group establishment/re-establishment
Moody guinea pigs: Depression, Bullying, Aggression, Stress, Fear and Antisocial Behaviour

Bonds In Trouble
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig
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4 Housing and enrichment
Starter checklist
Getting Guinea Pigs? Items You'll Need To Buy?
Cage Size Guide

Cages and hutches
All About C & C Grid Cages Around The World
Sourcing Conventional Cages And Hutches
Ramps In Guinea Pigs Cage

Bedding For Guinea Pigs - Overview

A Detailed Guide For Fleece Bedding
Members recommended UK and US sites for fleece cage liners and accessories
DIY Tutorials For Making Fleece Liners, Hay Bags And Cosies and sources of materials

Safe enrichment, dangerous toys, member recommendations and irritants in the home
Enrichment Ideas for Guinea Pigs
Potentially Dangerous Cage Accessories And Toys
Members' product or suppliers recommendations (NO SPAM please).
Irritants to Avoid Around Guinea Pigs

Travelling by car/train, temporary housing and holiday care
Travelling with guinea pigs
Temporary Housing Solutions?
Members' product or suppliers recommendations (NO SPAM please).

5 Weather extremes and the outdoors
Care during extreme weather

Hot Weather Management, Heat Strokes and Fly Strike
Cold Weather Care For Guinea Pigs

Safe grass and lawn time
Feeding Grass And Preparing Your Piggies For Lawn Time
Keeping Piggies Safe during outdoor time

6 Diet: Water, hay, veg, pellets and treats
One stop comprehensive diet guide (including special diets)
This comprehensive guide looks at all aspects of diet as a whole (including an illustrated sample diet and healthy/bad treats), as well as providing a practical guide to how often and in which amounts foods should be fed:
Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets

A detailed look at various food groups with resources and sourcing tips
All About Drinking And Bottles

A Comprehensive Hay Guide for Guinea Pigs (incl. providers in several countries)

Edible And Forbidden Veg And Fruit List With Vitamin C Grading
Wild UK forage for guinea pigs

Nugget Comparison Chart
Pellets Or Muesli / Dry Mix?
Seeds - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Money crunch? - Practical saving tips for your guinea pig food bill
Ill / Self-isolating and Running Out Of Piggy Food?
7 Weekly health checks and regular grooming care
Life-long weekly health checks - a life saving habit !

Weight - Monitoring and Management
Guinea pig body quirks - What is normal and what not?

Regular grooming care
Guide to Cutting Guinea Pig Nails
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths
An Illustrated Guide to Hair Cutting
Bathing (including cleaning grease glands)
Caring for Older Piggies and Facing the End - A helpful and supportive information collection

8 Illness: Preparing for illness, when to see a vet and emergency resources
The need to save up for vet care and payment support

Please start saving up for vet fund as part of the regular weekly/monthly living cost of your guinea pigs right from day one.
Illness and emergencies never happen at a convenient time! You do not want to fail your pets by leaving them to die in agony or from easily curable diseases.

In the UK, antibiotics and veterinary pain medication are prescription-only via a vet consultation in order to minimise abuse.
There is however a system of round the clock out-of-hours vet care in place. Most clinics do have payment plans and there is vet care for people on benefits in many urban areas. No frills 24 hours clinics will provide basic vet care in may urban areas or towns.

Please be aware that as a UK based forum we are neither qualified to nor are we allowed to replace a hands-on vet visit and a medical diagnosis. But we can help you find a good vet if possible, to get the most of any vet trip by asking the right questions, help to ensure that any medication is safe for guinea pigs if you have doubts, and we can support you during treatment with practical advice on home support care.
Health and Illness - Important Information
A guide to vets fees, insurance and payment support.

Covid-19 and other cross species transmission concerns
Practical one stop guide for owner illness/pregnancy/immuno-depression; inter-species transmission; important hygiene and care management tips

Contagion - Pet Care During Owner Illness (incl. Covid)/Pregnancy&Immuno-depression/Zoonosis

Covid-19 information
COVID-19 - Worried about Covid-19 (coronavirus) transmission risk to your cavies and care during illness?
COVID-19 - Vet visits/emergencies during coronavirus/Covid-19 lockdown
Other cross species transmission concerns
Human Colds/flu And Tummy Bug Advice
Human Pregnancy/Immune Deficiency And Guinea Pigs
Dogs, Kennel Cough And Guinea Pigs - An Important Consideration.

Preparing for illness
First Aid Kit: Easily available non-medication support products for an emergency
Syringe Training Before The Need For Medicating
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

Wiebke's Guides to the Body - What is normal and common illnesses
Wiebke's Guide to Pees and Stones
Wiebke's Guide to Poops
Wiebke's Guide to Tummy Trouble
Sow Problems 'Down Below' (Ovarian Cysts, Super-seasons, Womb Infection, Pregnancy & Mammary Tumours)
Boar Problems 'Down Below' (Penis, Impaction, Testicles & Neutering, Mammary Tumours & Grease Gland)

Early signs of illness and when to see a vet
Early Signs Of Illness
How Soon Should My Guinea Pig See A Vet? - A Quick Guide
Tips For Vet Visits

Emergency resources and advice
One stop crisis resources advice, support care and improvisation tips

Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment

Potentially life saving support care at home until and during vet treatment
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
How to Improvise Feeding Support in an Emergency

Life and death emergencies, out-of-hours vets and what to do if you can't find a vet quickly enough
List Of Life And Death Out-of-hours Emergencies
How to contact a vet out of hours
A Practical and Sensitive Guide to Dying, Terminal Illness and Euthanasia in Guinea Pigs
Human Bereavement: Grieving, Coping and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children

9 Resources
Recommended vets in several countries
Our forum UK locator aims to help you to find the best vet for your guinea pigs in your area. We do rely however on feedback and nominations from our members, so our list is neither complete or perfect and subject to change.

Recommended UK vets: Guinea Pig Vet Locator
Recommended vets in the US and some other countries: Guinea Lynx :: GL's Vet List

Recommended guinea pig rescues in several countries
These good standard rescues are by far the safest place for getting guinea pigs that do not come with nasty surprises.
Please note that in English speaking countries anybody can call themselves a rescue or a breeder without licence or control. We can only vouch for the listed and carefully vetted rescues.
All the listed rescues practise a mandatory quarantine/vet care, a pregnancy watch for incoming sows; sex properly and bond their guinea pigs for character compatibility. Any guinea pigs are only put up for either adoption as a bonded pair or for rescue dating with single guinea pigs or a group of yours once they are fully healthy. You will get support during the settling in period and will have the rescue to turn to if your piggy bond is in serious trouble or you can no longer keep your adoptee for genuine reasons.

Recommended UK rescues: Guinea Pig Rescue Centre Locator
Recommended rescues in the US and some other countries: Guinea Lynx :: Rescue Organizations
List of Guinea Pig Rescues in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (not vetted): Notstationen und Pflegestellen für Meerschweinchen - Neue Heimat

We recommend that you bookmark this guide collection as a useful go-to resource. Our guides format allows us to update our guides so they are not quickly outdates, as sadly so many books are.
You are however always welcome to ask any question you have at any time in our various Care sections. We are a friendly place and will answer them all in a helpful way!
You can access our full guide collection on a much wider range of topics via the guides shortcut on the top bar.
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