New Owner


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 28, 2017
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hi I've already posted about something else I just have never seen a forum like this so think it's amazing for advice .
What is best for mixing Guinea pigs as we will get 2.
Make/female hoping they get along, and having a 3 year old which I will supervise stroking have heard males are more laid back.
Best bedding to use? Any general advice will be greatly received as we have never owned a guinea pig.
Brilliant forum
It's pot luck whether you will get 2 males or two females, the best thing is to go to a rescue & have them matched for you. This can only happen if you get piggies from the rescue.You can have a male & female, providing the male is neutered, then you must keep them apart for 6 weeks. It's less complicated than having a female done.
Good luck, they can bring you so much pleasure & you them. Just seen about your 3 year old. As my mum used to say, you'll have to have eyes in the back of your head. You know your littlun best. Really they need to be high enough so you know they can't be touched when you off doing things. Also unwittingly if your babe drops one, it may kill them.
I'm sure you've thought of all this but better than sorry.
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Hi Lucyscarla

Welcome again, as Tiamolly123 says, we like adopting rather than shopping. If you adopt it normally means all the bonding is done and removes the issues of any dominance which can happen as the younger piggies get older.

If you are in-experienced, then females can be better, you don't have to clean out boar bits. But honestly, they are all lovely. Bedding is really personal preference along with their environment be it a cage/hutch/c&c. do review the housing section for ideas and the bedding review too.

Just remember that guinea pigs can live many years, often longer than people realise so understanding the time and money it takes to keep the gorgeous fur balls in the luxury they become used too!

Hello and a warm welcome to you.
Views about which sex piggies to keep can vary. Personally if you haven't had piggies before I'd probably go for sows. This is, as @Mother Hubbard says, you dont have to do the care of boy bits and pieces. Also, a pair of young boars can fall out as they hit their "teens". Not to say they all do - but some certainly do.
However, many keepers find boars are more entertaining and loving than sows.
It's all a matter of choice. But whatever you choose, you will find they are amazing pets.
Hello and a warm welcome to you.
Views about which sex piggies to keep can vary. Personally if you haven't had piggies before I'd probably go for sows. This is, as @Mother Hubbard says, you dont have to do the care of boy bits and pieces. Also, a pair of young boars can fall out as they hit their "teens". Not to say they all do - but some certainly do.
However, many keepers find boars are more entertaining and loving than sows.
It's all a matter of choice. But whatever you choose, you will find they are amazing pets.
Thankyou for your advice. X