New Owner !

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 19, 2016
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hello, new owner here! Technically they're not my pigs, they're my younger sister's, but I'm the one who has ended up doing most of the work (feeding, cleaning the cage, etc.) She bought practically everything from a Petco (too small a cage, unsafe dairy treats, she means well but did very little research...) including the guinea pigs, with her birthday money... Luckily the store gave us two male pigs, which are each about nine months old? I am planning on secretly buying a larger cage as my sister becomes very angry upon any suggestions of expanding their space, insisting that it's big enough. :/
Rest assured that I will work something out... :)
Anyway I have included photos of both the pigs, Timothy and Gizmo. Despite the small space they get along rather well and I love the to bits for it.IMG_1256.webpTimothy is the one with the "squirrel-face" (his face color is that of a squirrel, so I call him that sometimes haha) and Gizmo is the one on the left with a little stripe down his face...IMG_2435.webp
You can't really see it from this view but the visible eye has a black marking above it that sort of looks like an eyebrow...
I hope the pictures show up fine..
I'm very happy to have found this forum!
Hello and welcome to the forum :D Your piggies are gorgeous and it certainly sounds like you have their best interests at heart. This forum is a wonderful, helpful and non judgmental place that will strive to help in any way it can.
:wel: Awww... Timothy & Gizmo are utterly gorgeous! :wub: :wub:

I love Timothy's squirelly face, and Gizmo's cute eyebrow marking. How nice that they get on so well with each other :luv:

And what a lovely sibling you are to step up and help your little sis with cleaning them out and caring for them :nod:
I'm sure your sister does really mean well and she's lucky to have such a caring big sis :)

Perhaps organise extending their living area as a Christmas present to her/them? She can't get angry at a gift, surely :)). I'm sure she appreciates your help and efforts, especially the less pleasant tasks like cleaning out and poop picking... y'know what they say, kill them with kindness :))
Thank you everyone for your kind comments! Although my parents have agreed to pay vet bills and emergency situations, I'm on my own in terms of paying for non-urgent matters...
My salary as a teen isnt super duper high so they may not get a c&c till New Year's... but I'm working on it :)
Do extra chores? Show how important this money is? PANIC? My 9 year old sister and I take care of the pigs, though of course we can't handle money matters. And we started with a small pet shop cage, and we've had some unhealthy treats, and bad pellets and hay (we got free straw and hay, terrible quality, when we bought the pigs and they gave us straw as bedding. Nuff said. Also, the hay was brown. Yes, we switched to paper bedding and Oxbow hay ASAP). Now, they have a cage big enough for two, four? People to lie flat in, and that's attached to a 2x4 C&C cage. Gorgeous soft fleece, high-quality Oxbow pellets and Timothy hay. Yes, they are pampered. But they have to put up with my sister kissing them a lot.
Anyway, enough about me, how are you getting on? What bedding do you use? Oh, and show her pictures of huge C&C cages:))
Sounds like you're doing the very best you can, and new year is not that long a wait :)
Do extra chores? Show how important this money is? PANIC? My 9 year old sister and I take care of the pigs, though of course we can't handle money matters. And we started with a small pet shop cage, and we've had some unhealthy treats, and bad pellets and hay (we got free straw and hay, terrible quality, when we bought the pigs and they gave us straw as bedding. Nuff said. Also, the hay was brown. Yes, we switched to paper bedding and Oxbow hay ASAP). Now, they have a cage big enough for two, four? People to lie flat in, and that's attached to a 2x4 C&C cage. Gorgeous soft fleece, high-quality Oxbow pellets and Timothy hay. Yes, they are pampered. But they have to put up with my sister kissing them a lot.
Anyway, enough about me, how are you getting on? What bedding do you use? Oh, and show her pictures of huge C&C cages:))

My sister wants to start using ...fleece is what it's called? But until she does some cage cleaning I'm not sure I have the time to wash it... Of course, small cage=more frequent cleaning, at least in my case!

The piggies have this brown paper bedding called Carefresh. They seem to like it well enough! I know that pine and cedar aren't recommended, but that's as far as my knowledge goes in terms of what bedding is best for the pigs...
Welcome to the forum. Your pigs are gorgeous
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