New Owner Worries


New Born Pup
Aug 26, 2023
Reaction score
I’ve recently purchased 2 male Guinea pigs and the original owner told me that they get on incredibly well. After transporting them home and putting them into their new home it seems that maybe they have had a small fight- is this expected within their time settling in as they also originally lived outdoors and I have them placed indoors, so may be due to them being in a different environment

Any new environment will cause them to reestablish their relationship (regardless of indoors or outdoors). During this time you will see dominance behaviours.

A fight and dominance are two different things.
Dominance is normal (rumbling, mounting, chasing) and to be expected. It’s something which boars do lifelong to reaffirm their relationship.
An actual fight (furball rolling around or visible injuries) may mean their bond isn’t as strong as you have been told (in a bond which may have underlying issues, moving them to a new environment and their subsequent restablishing can be the catalyst to bring issues to the surface and actually break the bond) and they may need to be permanently separated if things escalate. Witnessing an actual furball rolling around fight would warrant immediate and permanent separation.

With boars space is important, ensure their cage measures 180x60cm (minimum for boars is 150x60cm but this can sometimes be too small) or a 5x2 c&c cage.
Also ensure two of every item in the cage and that all hides have two doors so no piggy can get cornered by the other. Use tunnels, multi exit wooden hides or cardboard boxes with several holes cut in.

How old are they?

The guides below will also help you

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
As long as no blood has been drawn they're OK and can continue living together.

May I ask how old your piggies are? piggies go through a teenage period where dominance behaviour increases and anything like a change in setup, smelling females or just dissagreements between the two of them can set of a few days of scent marking and squabbling over everything. Dominance can look pretty brutal to our human eyes but it's just good communication in the pig world and is really normal for piggiesof any age. Making sure there's enough space and 2 of everything (hides, food dishes, drinks bottles etc.) Will help them get along better but the odd squabble will always be normal