New Owner, Worried About Hutch

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 2, 2015
Reaction score
Coulsdon, Surrey

I got given a hutch for guinea pigs for Xmas and today we went to buy the Guinea pigs themselves. I've got a double tier hutch with a ramp between the two layers, but I've got a few things I'm worries about:

1. The hutch didn't seem to come with a trap door to close off the ramp and I'm worried they might fall down it. I'd also like to be able to close off to stop some of the draught at night. Is it safe without a trap door?

2. How do I make it 'fox proof'? The guinea pigs won't be able to dig out but I'm concerned whether another animal could dig underneath. At the moment the hutch is on a gravel type base (it's next to our patio rather than on the lawn)! We've out some cardboard down as a softer base at the moment and will be getting a piece of 'fake' grass for a nice soft base. Will this be ok or will the guinea pigs try and eat it?

Perhaps I'm being over paranoid about them falling off the ramp or down the hole and about other animals getting in, but any advice would be greatly received. Thanks.
Hiya and :wel:to this fab forum!:)

1.I think it might be safe without a trap door. Maybe you could get some wood and make a trap door if you are good at these things or get someone to help you. Also you can buy ramp tunnels to stop them falling off the ramp and if they don't like the ramp.:)

2. To make it fox proof you can add some wire on the bottom as yes I have heard many sad stories about predators digging underneath the hutch.:( Fake grass is not good and guinea pigs can get ill eating it. Maybe you could grow some grass in trays.

Where abouts is your location? If you add it, it helps us to give you relevant info!:)

I would be worried if your piggies are outside.You can buy thermal hutch covers, get some house insulation, move hutch into a shed or garage (without a car as car fumes are fatal!), a snuggle safe heat pad .. This video helped me to insulate my hutch:
I have put bubble wrap over cage doors nand you can buy 'space blanket' i.e. emergency blanket from pound land.:)
Please, please, please bring your piggies in if you can as they ware not good outside. I can't because we rent and landlord doesn't want pets inside!:(
I was worried about mine falling down the hole where the ramp is so I have a cover - I'll try and get a photo tomorrow when it's light .

As Maisy & Poppy has already said , fake grass is not a good idea as your guinea pigs are likely to eat it .

I wouldn't put wire at the bottom of the cage as it is not good for guinea pigs to walk on wire - it can damage their feet . When I had an outdoor hutch ( I don't any more ) I got my OH to lay some paving slabs for the hutch to stand on as this is the safest protection from predators.
I was worried about mine falling down the hole where the ramp is so I have a cover - I'll try and get a photo tomorrow when it's light .

As Maisy & Poppy has already said , fake grass is not a good idea as your guinea pigs are likely to eat it .

I wouldn't put wire at the bottom of the cage as it is not good for guinea pigs to walk on wire - it can damage their feet . When I had an outdoor hutch ( I don't any more ) I got my OH to lay some paving slabs for the hutch to stand on as this is the safest protection from predators.
I agree with PiggieOwner. I would put wire with something on top like paving slabs as wire can hurt piggies feet:oops:.
Thanks for the replies so far. I've closed off the ramp at the moment with several layers of cardboard- it's probably good for my piggies to get to know the hutch part first. And my OH has said he will make me a trap door. I've also fallen in love with he ramp tunnels so definitely getting one of those soon.

The piggies are outside but I've got them wrapped up in fleece and lots of hay and a blanket and waterproof cover over the huch. A snugglesafe heat pad is coming tomorrow- thank goodness for amazon prime!

I've read so much good advice in here so far so thanks! I'm also getting a couple of paving slabs and then some carpet/fleece like stuff for the bottom section of the hutch so that when I do open the ramp for them it is nice and soft and fox safe. The plans is to put some toys on the bottom level and keep bed and food on the top. Thanks for your help!
Hi and welcome!

A great fan of the snugglesafe heat pads. A few things about them - you have to let them totally cool before reheating and the covers will get hairs/wee etc on them so you will probably want to get at least one more sooner or later. I have 4 for our pair of boars who live in a hutch in a sheltered area (we have 6 sows inside and are open plan so they can't come in unfortunately). That gives them one each and also means I can make sure they constantly have them throughout day and night until air temperatures are above 15 degrees constantly again.

You can get them from VetUK online just over £1 cheaper than Amazon prime at the moment (but there is a delivery charge unless you order other stuff to get the total to £29). The Amazon price is not bad at the moment but the VetUK price has been down to not much over £10 earlier this year - I suspect they fluctuate with seasons so keep an eye out for bargains.

Out two tier hutch doesn't have a trap door over the ramp but it does have a barrier (like a balcony has) around two of the three "open" sides and a removable piece of wood to put in if I want to close the ramp off. It came from Ryedalepethomes - not sure if any pics on their website show how they do it which might give you ideas?

I can also recommend the ramp tunnels from C and E cosies - I've got 3 now - @PiggieOwner introduced me to them actually! I love them.
Hi and welcome!

A great fan of the snugglesafe heat pads. A few things about them - you have to let them totally cool before reheating and the covers will get hairs/wee etc on them so you will probably want to get at least one more sooner or later. I have 4 for our pair of boars who live in a hutch in a sheltered area (we have 6 sows inside and are open plan so they can't come in unfortunately). That gives them one each and also means I can make sure they constantly have them throughout day and night until air temperatures are above 15 degrees constantly again.

You can get them from VetUK online just over £1 cheaper than Amazon prime at the moment (but there is a delivery charge unless you order other stuff to get the total to £29). The Amazon price is not bad at the moment but the VetUK price has been down to not much over £10 earlier this year - I suspect they fluctuate with seasons so keep an eye out for bargains.

Out two tier hutch doesn't have a trap door over the ramp but it does have a barrier (like a balcony has) around two of the three "open" sides and a removable piece of wood to put in if I want to close the ramp off. It came from Ryedalepethomes - not sure if any pics on their website show how they do it which might give you ideas?

I can also recommend the ramp tunnels from C and E cosies - I've got 3 now - @PiggieOwner introduced me to them actually! I love them.

I bought some more ramp tunnels too ! You can just about catch glimpse of them in this thread.
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