New owner wondering about bedding...

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Heya, I got two lovely guinea pigs two days ago, and I look forward to many happy years with them (I assume they will stop running away after a while!). The bedding I am currently using in their wooden hutch is a lining of newspaper and a mixtures of shredded newspaper and hay which I top up every now and then. I was planning on replacing the shredded newspaper and hay every three days and giving the cage a full clean every seven days. Is this OK?
Hi there and welcome to the forum! :)

Cant wait to see pigtures of your piggies! :)

That sounds fine to me - I tend to just make sure they have enough bedding, making sure its dry etc etc and give them a good clean out every week... depending on how messy they are! Some weeks they are VERY messy so I clean them out more than once a week... just depends on your piggies and how clean they are I would say - but that sounds fine :)

Don't worry about the running away either - they just need to get to know you a bit better :) Lots of cuddles, and soon they'll be coming to you! :)

Have fun :)

Trace x
Thanks for the reply, as soon as I get them to stay still long enough I'll put up photos of them!

On the bright side, Robbie, my dopey Rex, licked me last time I held him, so I guess I'm getting somewhere. :)
Congratulations on your new additions and welcome to the forum! Your way of doing bedding sounds perfectly fine, I can't see any problems with it. Can't wait to see and hear more about your piggies!

when i used newspaper and shredded paper for my pigs i had to clean them out fully every 2 days as its really not the most absorbant of beddings.
Well, I just removed and replaced all their bedding except the floor newspaper, and swept it out, and there don't appear to be any major problems yet. Having said that, I've only owned them for three days. :D
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