New owner needing some tips


New Born Pup
May 24, 2020
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Hi I’m a new owner to 2 young sows, and I would love to hear any tips on how I can help them settle in and become not so terrified of me and my daughters! They have been with us nearly a week and are happily roaming around their 2 storey hutch, as soon as I go to open the hutch they disappear and hide. I don’t want to scare them chasing them around the hutch, which is terrifying as I opened the hutch slightly and one of the them darted out. I have only managed to get them out once as my daughters were desperate to cuddle them, and they they did hand fed from us. I’m more worried about trying to get them out the hutch as they dart around and I’m terrified they will escape. Hindsight I should have bought a hutch with a top opening lid. Any help advice and tips would be great thank you
I took in two new piggies bout two weeks ago and they werent really handled at all and hid all the time. I found out that for one, they need other hide outs in the cage I put some little cardboard houses in there for them and put food in the bottom of the cage too. They started to go downstairs and be more social. But one thing I've noticed with all animals is, if you want them to warm up to you, dont force them out of their comfort zone. These two did the same thing at first so I would sit by the cage in the floor, and feed them veggies through the cage bars. They would come out grab it and run then slowly they started coming up to the cage and taking it from my hand. After about 5 days they let me pet their face after I gave them a treat but I would only do it for a second if I felt they were uncomfortable I'd stop. Another thing is no loud noises, they're prey animals and we are giants to them so if we talk loud or if theres loud noises going on then they will be scared. 7th day I was cleaning their cage, had the door open and I felt something by my leg and one was out and sniffing my feet! They ran around a bit then went back in. Now I can let them go in my room and they run around BUT I do not try to pick them up and I only pet their nose when they come up and sniff me while I sit in the floor. For them to be comfortable around you, you need to let them set the pace and dont force them out of the cage, or pick them up and hold them especially this early on. These two are two years old and have been around people and have been handled some but not consistently and they were still VERY skittish. It takes time for them to be comfortable and they are definitely different than dogs or other pets lol. Most pets it's best to hold them a lot for them to warm up to you but I feel like its different with these. Also I have read that females usually are more timid and skittish than males. But just let them set the pace and pick when they feel comfortable to come up to you they will come around a LOT faster when they dont feel like they will be forced into being held or took out of their comfort zone. I hope this helps some, my piggies have almost lost their fear of me and have even just laid down beside me while I was building their cage and since I was using drills/screwdrivers it wasnt quiet lol. Also there are a lot of nice helpful people on here that will know much more than me lol!
Take it at their pace and preferably use something to take them out of the cage. Either a cuddle sack or tunnel or something similar. Also talk to them when you’re approaching their hutch so they can get used to the sound of your voice. The link below is a must read, and should also contain a link for a thread on guinea pig whispering.

We’d love to see photos of your girls.
Take it at their pace and preferably use something to take them out of the cage. Either a cuddle sack or tunnel or something similar. Also talk to them when you’re approaching their hutch so they can get used to the sound of your voice. The link below is a must read, and should also contain a link for a thread on guinea pig whispering.

We’d love to see photos of your girls.
Thank you, I’ve tried to shake the the box of veggies that they get everyday when I get near, and they poke the heads out but dart back in. I think I just need to be patient and let them do their own thing in their own time.