New mummy


New Born Pup
May 25, 2022
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I have just become a first time piggy mummy!

I have 2 boars, between 8-12 weeks old. No names or pictures yet!

I have been studying and reading on this forum for weeks and weeks so I'm prepared!

I'm looking forward to chatting to you all, and to the day I can have a cuddle with them!

Any important tips that I might of missed?

I've read all about Piggys from a pet shop and also shy piggys so they have plenty of hidy spaces, I've covered some of the cage, and when I give them their veggies I will speak to them and come to their hight when I put in their cage.

I'm so excited for this, I've never had piggys before! 🐹🐷🐹
Hello and welcome to the forum. I have two boars too! Boars are great.

My advice to you would be to have two of everything. Hides must have two exits in them. Always feed and handle the dominant piggy first. Also when I clean them out I always leave a bit of dirty hay in there so it still smells of them both. Good luck. Cant wait for pictures when you can get some.
Hello and welcome. A boar pair was my first foray into piggy slaveship! We look forward to seeing lots of photos once they have come home.

Just a small thing. Please bear in mind that they may not like cuddles. They may learn to tolerate it but they may also not like being touched either. They are not really the pet to get if you want cuddles. Forewarned means you won’t be disappointed when they keep running away from you. It’s in their nature 😃

Also be prepared to ‘waste’ a lot of time just piggy watching 😂😳