New Mom! Wheat Grass Ok?


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 22, 2018
Reaction score
Vancouver BC CANADA
Hi can I give my lovies fresh live wheat grass? Previous owner took them to a park and they loved grass. I'm not risking them outside with pesticide and other animals etc. They won't eat lettuce. Just parsley Dill and cucumber so I thought grass would be good.

If so how much is safe? Could I feed them this daily?

All mine love grass. I pick for them every day. Wash well in case of dog pee which is toxic for them.

Introduce it gradually. Good luck

Taking them to a park!!!
They'll love grass. I can't wait for the spring to arrive as mine have had no grass for months now. I put them on the lawn for about 1/2 an hour on Saturday as it was a bit warmer, but there was very little new grass.
SAFETY QUESTION! My cage I built is 15 inches high. Off my floor. I live in a bachelor suite. Is that a safe height? I have a cage cover and I leave door open and I close it when I leave my house. .see photos. I remove cage cover when I'm home at night so they can get more exercise.

So my question ... will they be fine if I left them for a few hours open cage style or no?


They'll love grass. I can't wait for the spring to arrive as mine have had no grass for months now. I put them on the lawn for about 1/2 an hour on Saturday as it was a bit warmer, but there was very little new grass.
I got some free grass at pet store today! Only Truffle likes it... he LOVES it! Got them new dried food that's healthy too and water I'm using Fiji and distilled ... no reverse osmosis anywhere. Fiji has only 18 calcium others have 80 plus
SAFETY QUESTION! My cage I built is 15 inches high. Off my floor. I live in a bachelor suite. Is that a safe height? I have a cage cover and I leave door open and I close it when I leave my house. .see photos. I remove cage cover when I'm home at night so they can get more exercise.

So my question ... will they be fine if I left them for a few hours open cage style or no?

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Do you have any other pets?
Many forum members have piggys that live safely in an open pen like that. I put extra grids where they have anything they can climb on. The grids are tied in with cable ties half way up, just to be on the safe side as I have two little piggys that think they are monkeys!
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Where did you get that corner tunnel thing?
Many forum members have piggys that live safely in an open pen like that. I put extra grids where they have anything they can climb on. The grids are tied in with cable ties half way up, just to be on the safe side as I have two little piggys that think they are monkeys!
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That's such a clean cage! I need a Hay system! I have their cage cover in the cage... so not sure if they could climb up.. I just left them like that... what do you think? Look Ok? It's probably 10 inches. I'll measure when I get home

Hi can I give my lovies fresh live wheat grass? Previous owner took them to a park and they loved grass. I'm not risking them outside with pesticide and other animals etc. They won't eat lettuce. Just parsley Dill and cucumber so I thought grass would be good.

If so how much is safe? Could I feed them this daily?

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Hi, I do know wheat grass is fine for them, but not sure how often it can be given and in what sort of quantity - perhaps someone else will come along who knows.

I got some free grass at pet store today! Only Truffle likes it... he LOVES it! Got them new dried food that's healthy too and water I'm using Fiji and distilled ... no reverse osmosis anywhere. Fiji has only 18 calcium others have 80 plus

Is Fiji bottled water? Also distilled water shouldn't be given to piggies; sorry I can't remember why not though.
Hi, I do know wheat grass is fine for them, but not sure how often it can be given and in what sort of quantity - perhaps someone else will come along who knows.

Is Fiji bottled water? Also distilled water shouldn't be given to piggies; sorry I can't remember why not though.
Fiji is bottled water. It has lowest calcium so I'm mixing distilled and Fiji water to get electrolytes. . Tap water is no way... I don't drink it. Old pipes dirty... only option is bottled and there is no reverse osmosis in any store around me
Fiji is bottled water. It has lowest calcium so I'm mixing distilled and Fiji water to get electrolytes. . Tap water is no way... I don't drink it. Old pipes dirty... only option is bottled and there is no reverse osmosis in any store around me

So filtered water isn’t an option for you either? I still wouldn’t recommend using distilled water for your piggy.
My lovies won't eat any lettuce or celery. So their diet is
cucumbers, red peppers, parsley, Dill, fresh grass grown at pet store carrot , apple

Oxbow pellets

Is thus ok? I tried red leaf green leaf and heard romaine is too high in calcium. Haven't tried butter lettuce yet. Can they eat sprouts... sunflower sprouts? Or any sprouts? Or too much calcium?

Please help
Thank you again!