New Male In A Room Of Females?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 25, 2007
Reaction score
East Lothian, Scotland
A friend of mine recently lost a male guinea pig, which has left his friend on his own. My friend's little girl pays no attention to him and he is not getting the love/interaction that he needs.
I currently have 3 females who live together in my other bedroom. I am very keen to home this male piggy with me but he is 4/5 years old so too old to be neutered.
Would it upset my girls, or even him, for them all to be living together in the same room (but not in the same cage obviously)?
Thank you. I desperately want to help this wee boy but have to think about girls as they get on so well.
No, he can happily live alongside your girls with 24/7 interaction through the bars. A boar will not upset a sow bond (unlike the other way around).
I can't really help you much, I'm afraid. I can only tell you about my own situation.
I have 3 females and one male, living in n my spare room. 2 of the females( not neutered) are separated from the other male and female (neutered) . The only time that I have any problems with them is when I let them all loose together!
Fantastic! Thank you. Can't wait to give him a home with me and my girls. I can't bare the thought of him all his own at their house, and he's outside so he hardly gets any attention.
Fantastic! Thank you. Can't wait to give him a home with me and my girls. I can't bare the thought of him all his own at their house, and he's outside so he hardly gets any attention.

He will think he's in heaven, even if he can't do more that flirt with the girls!
I have had an elderly lone boar living side by side with my three girls (previous pigs and over a decade ago) and whilst he and they were fine he did do a lot of bar chewing which worried me, so I ended up borrowing a friend's docile older boar and keeping them in a different room till he passed away.
Oh, I'm really hoping he is going to be ok as I don't have space in another room for him. His c&c cage is just squeezing into the spare room.
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