New Male Added To My Bonded Pair! Help!

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New Born Pup
Dec 3, 2016
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Hi I'm new here but i could really use some advice! Iv had my bonded males for 5months and yesterday got a new 8week old male to add into the mix... They are in a 5x3 c&c cage plenty of space (i hope)
Anyway.. my ginger one has always been the dominant one until the baby came yesterday now my other pig thinks that he wants a go a being the dominant one.. He will not leave the poor baby alone! He's constantly on him and leaving boar glue on him. He wont give him a break and i know its a dominant thing they need to work it out but my god the poor guy needs a break Help please..
Picture is laptime.. Harry(black) Ron (ginger) & baby (zoomer)

I'm afraid trios rarely work. You always have 2 that are buddies leaving the odd one out. It would be nice if everything worked out, but sorry to say I doubt it will.
I'm afraid trios rarely work. You always have 2 that are buddies leaving the odd one out. It would be nice if everything worked out, but sorry to say I doubt it will.
They aren't being mean to him though or to each other, its just the humping like none stop! poor guy doesn't know what to do with himself, iv put a box in for him that only he can fit into so he can get a break but harry really really wants him! He's running around the cage desperately trying to find him and iv i take the baby out the other 2 go mad looking for him and wanting him back.
I'm afraid as has been said already boar trios rarely work. If you've had your pair for 5 months and you got them quite young then they have probably hit their "teens" and are hormonal in any event. That's a hard time for boars to deal with in any event. By adding another you risk upsetting the bond between the original 2 and also causing a fight. You will always have a pair and an odd one out. Even if you get over the initial bonding /introduction issues it is most unlikely to last long term.
Each time you remove one from the situation and then put him back in they have to start the bonding process afresh.
If the baby is being relentlessly humped then you need to consider carefully his happiness and wellbeing. As this whole situation is unlikely to last long term perhaps it would be better to remove the baby permanently and find him his own companion as a separate pair from the original pair.
Like what has already been said, trio's rarely work and can even break up a bonded pair so you have to have 3 separated boar's in the worse case. Here are several thread's to help you out but for the moment keep the baby one in a cage close to the other's for companionship through the bar's.
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

But please be prepared that if you have to keep Zoomer separate from the other pair, that he will need a friend too as @VickiA has said
aww nooo i separated the cage but the other 2 want to be with him they keep trying to get into his cage
If you have separated the cage and he is separate, I would keep it that way while you decide what to do long term.
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