New Born Pup
So we have two lovely guinea pig girls both around 5 years old not 100% on age as we rescued them 3 years ago.
In the last 5 days I have noticed a large half walnut size lump developing on one piggies back after closer inspection she has another hard lump between her nipple and genitals in herself she is happy eating drinking pooping weeing and wheeking.
The vets near me are not cavy savvy and basically said tumours PTS as she is so happy still am I being cruel bringing her home keeping her comfortable where she is not stressed and with her best friend as at the moment quality of life is still there. Of course if she goes downhill she will need to go back but I don’t want her last moments whenever they come to be her frightened and stressed at the vets.
In the last 5 days I have noticed a large half walnut size lump developing on one piggies back after closer inspection she has another hard lump between her nipple and genitals in herself she is happy eating drinking pooping weeing and wheeking.
The vets near me are not cavy savvy and basically said tumours PTS as she is so happy still am I being cruel bringing her home keeping her comfortable where she is not stressed and with her best friend as at the moment quality of life is still there. Of course if she goes downhill she will need to go back but I don’t want her last moments whenever they come to be her frightened and stressed at the vets.