New Hutch - Help With Design Please!

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New Born Pup
Aug 25, 2015
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We have 2 male guinea pigs which have both been done. They were bought and the same time and are kept outside. At the moment they have a 2 storey hutch with one sleeping area upstairs. Even when they were little they wouldn't sleep together so we always had 2 tunnels in the sleeping area.
This year Humphry got an eye infection and Sammy began to pick on him. Sammy will not allow humprey into the sleeping area anymore so we have rigged up something temporarily downstairs and blocked the ramp with small logs.
when they are in the run together outside they ignore eachother.
I am aware that Humphry (or whichever is downstairs) wil not be warm enough as winter approaches so am looking for a new hutch. I can get ones where they can be completely separate or I can find one where there is a ramp and two sleeping compartments. I am not sure what to do as I don't want them to get lonely however they don't much are for eachother in anycase.
Any advice please
Welcome to the forum! :D

If you see any physical wounds, that's when it might be time to separate them and have a girl for each one (though I really advise posting in the Behaviour and Bonding section about them if you feel they don't get along well even for boars). If you do split them up completely, I don't advise them being entirely alone without a friend. If it's possible, getting a hutch with two sleeping compartments might be a good idea, but I'd make sure they still have room to run laps ok. If you get a big enough one, maybe you could get a single tier hutch so Sammy can't block off the ramp or possibly get another ramp so Sammy can't block off two at the same time.

Has the eye infection been treated? Also, sorry if none of this makes sense, I'm really tired.
Welcome to the forum! :D

If you see any physical wounds, that's when it might be time to separate them and have a girl for each one (though I really advise posting in the Behaviour and Bonding section about them if you feel they don't get along well even for boars). If you do split them up completely, I don't advise them being entirely alone without a friend. If it's possible, getting a hutch with two sleeping compartments might be a good idea, but I'd make sure they still have room to run laps ok. If you get a big enough one, maybe you could get a single tier hutch so Sammy can't block off the ramp or possibly get another ramp so Sammy can't block off two at the same time.

Has the eye infection been treated? Also, sorry if none of this makes sense, I'm really tired.
Hi thanks for this. Yes the eye infection has been treated and that has been fine for a couple of months now.

Since I wrote this morning I have found a great place called rabbit hutch warehouse. I rang and explained my dilema and as they make each hutch to order they are making one for me. They couldn't have been more helpful. It will have 2 storeys each with a sleeping place. It will also have a ramp so they still have contact but it will pull up so I can give them space at night or just when necessary. It is 4 ft long x 18 inch depth by 36 inch height so plenty of space for them to get about hopefully whilst giving Humphrey a break when needed. I am hoping they might learn to rub along again.
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