New hutch and maybe new shed!

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purple blobs

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 24, 2012
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Hi, my house is being constructed and we have had to move my guinea pig over to our temporary home but we haven't had time! We got back from holiday today and I can't decide how big of a hutch I should get! I kinda want a hutch that has sliding floors at the top and/or the bottom as that would make it easier to clean on a tight schedule! I also want to know what a good size shed would be for one guinea pig, I really do want another boy but my mom didn't want me having two pigs when I first got him and now we know that mistake!

So, I've been looking at these websites:

Please help! I really want the best life for my guinea pig, I've already let him down by not having a partner!
Well I'd say you should get one that's big enough for two pigs even though you've only got one. You never know if you will get a friend for s'more in the future!
This website states what the sizes cages should be for a certain number of piggies:
The minimum size for 2 piggies is 4ft by 2ft. 4ft and 2ft wod be fine for one boy but not for two. I suggest you buy at least an 5ft by 2ft by 2ft hutch just incase you get a friend for your boy in the future.
i would also go for a 5x2x2 incase you are able to get him a friend. also, you can put lino down on hutch floors to make cleaning out easier aswell. i used this company to buy a run and the man who runs it is lovely and the item is sturdy, you just have to add bolts yourself:

i have heard good things about this company aswell:


Thankyou! These websites look really good and the hutches look very strong and sturdy! ^_^
Thankyou! These websites look really good and the hutches look very strong and sturdy! ^_^

if you want a super strong hutch then try ryedale pet homes. i've had a hutch and run from them in the past and it was soooo heavy! it took both my brother and boyfriend to move it. so it would last a long, long time. :))

happy hutch do good products, however i had a bad customer experience with them, although alot of people seem to have really liked them. x
if you want a super strong hutch then try ryedale pet homes. i've had a hutch and run from them in the past and it was soooo heavy! it took both my brother and boyfriend to move it. so it would last a long, long time. :))

happy hutch do good products, however i had a bad customer experience with them, although alot of people seem to have really liked them. x

Yes! I saw one on happy hutch that was only £215 and was 3 stories! I don't know if that's too big but I don't believe there's such a thing... So I'm going to look more at some of their cages!:):)p
Yes! I saw one on happy hutch that was only £215 and was 3 stories! I don't know if that's too big but I don't believe there's such a thing... So I'm going to look more at some of their cages!:):)p

the bigger the better i say! maybe draw the line at like 15 storeys though! :))
me neither! i'd probably need a ladder for a double tier! :))

haha, no you don't! I'm 11 years old and I have to bend down a bit to clean the cage! And I can tell you, I'm not tall at all... I'm 1mtr & 48-52 cm
haha, no you don't! I'm 11 years old and I have to bend down a bit to clean the cage! And I can tell you, I'm not tall at all... I'm 1mtr & 48-52 cm

ok, so maybe a ladder was a slight exaggeration :)) i'm 5ft 1 and a teeny bit. i like being short though. :)
forgot about this site aswell:

right, that's all the sites now! :))

I had a look at it and that looks absolutely incredible! My mom told me that it will be too expensive and she saw a really gloomy and mad/sad look on my face. Then 5 minutes later she comes in and says to me that she could ask the builders to make a hutch like that and see how much it costs! Because one of the builders are taking care of the piggy at the moment, we might get the hutch cheaper because he is in love iwth my baby! :)
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