New Here And Need Advice

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 8, 2016
Reaction score
USA East Coast
Hi everyone, I am a new Cavey owner. I have two Boars, Teddies from a show breeder. I have had them now for two weeks, they are 7 weeks old and from the same litter. One is much smaller then the other and I can tell that the bigger one is the Alpha. I did not know about this forum and made some mistakes the first week. I had a Midwest cage first but found it to be too small and flimsy. I recently ordered and upgraded to a 2x4 C&C cage with a loft that will be getting here in a few days. They are getting fresh vegetables everyday.
I have two hide away but it seems the Alpha argues with the other one throughout the day and they are either in one hideout together or separate but there is always and argument and the smaller one is being bullied at times.
I know it is a bit back and forth for them but as of next week It will all be set up perfectly.
What are your recommendations for the cage set up? Should they be separated for a while? Double up on everything despite it taking up extra cage space? I am open to all suggestions including what you think I should do to bond with them and how to pick them up best...with a towel? Also, do you prefer to feed them in the am and the pm or do you make food available throughout the day?

Thank you so much!
Hi and welcome!

Please do not separate. Your boys are establishing a hierarchy at the moment and it sounds perfectly normal. I would recommend to only have two hideys with two exits in the cage until they have settled down. That prevents a lot of problems.

How often you feed them is up to up and your personal lifestyle. I feed twice a day. What I would recommend in order to minimise food hogging by the bigger boy to feed veg and pellets more than once daily and only in smaller portions that they can eat in one go, each in their own bowl, at least a body length apart.

We have got a starter kit of information threads for new owners, which includes a detailed diet guide, settling in and behaviour tips etc.; it includes answers to the most often asked questions from new owners as well as important basics to avoid major problems down the line. You can find lots more information at the top of our various Care sections, but you are at all times welcome to ask any questions you may have. " Starter Kit" Of Information Threads For New Owners

As we have members from all over the world, we find it very helpful if you please added your country, state/province or UK county to your details, so we can always adjust any advice and recommendations to the conditions and brands, vet access etc. where you are striaght away. The following link does tell you how to do this and also how you can upload the picture that always appears with every post you make.

I hope that you will enjoy our friendly forum!
Tunnels, beds and hideys can also be helpful for picking up your pigs - you can gently shepherd them into a corner and lift them out in the hidey/tunnel. I find that this is less stressful for my boys, rather than handling them directly.
Thank you, Yes, I just ordered those magic muffs today and that is a great idea and helps for lap time as well:)
Just wanted to say :wel: to the forum. Please feel free to share photos of your teddy boars with us when you have the chance. I've got a teddy/Abyssinian cross and she is big and beautiful and recently lost Mr Ted who was a teddy. Just love their fuzzy fur.
You've been given some great advice on helping the boys sort out their dominance. This is a natural phase but uncomfortable for us to watch. Please feel free to come back for further help and advice at any time or just to let us know how they get on.
Thank you for the warm welcome:) I will post some pictures ones I am able to take a good one. I changed their cage to a much better set up and it's location, and they are so much happier now. Also changed to fleece bedding and really like it and they seem to prefer it as well! I will attempt a bath, soon.
Hello and :wel: to the forum! Just wanted to say that it is much too soon to start bathing your piggies. They really only need bathing about once every three months - unless for a medical reason. Most piggies hate the water, so you won't be doing anything to endear yourself to them! ( Or were you talking about yourself?!)
well, the one is very dirty, he has paprika and fruit stuck to his coat......I mean red pepper juice
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