New guinea pigs

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Hiya :)
i got my boys yesterday :smitten: and I'm a first time guinea pig owner :). Yesterday they had a very long day and were very timid once i got them home. They have been indoor piggies for most their life, so today was they first time they have ever experienced fresh grass to run on. They come in, in the night time to their huge cage. Anyway just now after i bought them them in i noticed Brego trying to hump Brock ?, they both run into the huge igloo i in the cage and i heard like thumping noises (the best i can describe) coming from one of them. What does this mean? It could be nothing but being new to all of this i just want to know more about their behaviour. They are approx 2 years old and have lived together quite happily after a rocky start.
Hello wildjasmine - what a pretty forum name!

I'm fairly new to guineas too - but I'm fairly sure that what you're seeing/hearing is Brego making sure Brock knows he's the boss! It certainly seems to be dominant behaviour.

I have 2 boys myself and there's always lots of 'humping' ::) going on if they're left together. They've lived in the same cage with a mesh divider for a while so when they have outdoor playtime together there's a bit of the behaviour you mention going on with them.

As long as there is no aggressive behaviour, like jumping at each other, 'facing off' or teeth chattering, you probably don't have much to worry about. It pays to be vigilant though, I've read of other piggies on this forum who have had to be split after a long time of living together quire happily - sorry, don't mean to worry you! Best thing you can do is keep an eye on it and hopefully nothing more will come of it.

I'm sure other piggie people will post helpful advice too! Good luck and welcome to the forum!
Hello and welcome to the forum.I"m fairly new too.If you keep an eye on your boys,you"ll know if things get hairy.It sounds as if he"s proving he"s boss pig.I have males and some are happy in pairs and others I"m still trying to bond.
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