New Guinea Pigs And Their Behaviour


New Born Pup
Jan 27, 2018
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hi all!

Hoping for some advice/reassurance.

We got two guinea pigs from the RSPCA last weekend, a neutered male named Dustin and a female called El they are around 8-9 months. We were told they had been together a while, and got on well. Well, Dustin sometimes tries to mount El which I get is still normal, but sometimes even when he’s just trying to cuddle up to her, she snaps at him and sees him off. This evening was the worse I’ve seen, she even sprayed pee backwards! He seems quite upset when she does this. It seems worse when we have them out together on our lap. Is this normal or are they starting to not get on? Are they not happy in their new home? El still freezes for ages when we have her out, certainly isn’t as relaxed as Dustin. Not sure what we can do to help?
First (despite getting them from a rescue) just double check their genders- misexing can happen even though you got them from the RSPCA and is Dustin definitely neutered? I am sure the RSPCA did get it right but it doesn't hurt to double check. :)

Now the change of cage might have started up some hormones in your boy causing him to mount a little more than the girl is used too- hence her dislike and outbursts. We say separate if blood is drawn or a piggy is being bullied and not getting to eat or drink or rest. I would currently wait it out and see what happens- what size is the cage you've got them in?

As for the freezing on your lap- it's all very normal when you bring a piggy home. Try offering tasty treats whenever you handle or interact with them so they associate you with good things and won't be as scared. It may take a little while so just be patient and try to remeber that they don't' hate you- they're just settling in.

I believe the RSPCA does say you can ask for advice once you've'e adopted from them so if you're really worried you could always ask whether this behaviour went on in their care.
Spraying pee is not uncommon my late Bea was one for doing that. It's a means of saying "leave me alone"

The mounting is also normal. Neutering does not remove the sexual urge so males will still do this and it could be that she came into season triggering his urges even further
Six weeks after Caramel was neutered he was introduced to my sows. He tried to mount Jingle who lunged at him, then tried Mistletoe who sprayed him with a massive arc of (smelly) pee!

He rarely tries it these days although pretty much always rumblestruts when ever he passes one of them.
That sounds like my herd haha. Girls get a bit stroppy and piggies aren't great cuddlers. None or my girls sleep together and if my boy Iggy gets too close or annoy the girls in any way he will get snapped at or peed on immediately, it's why he always smells :))