New Guinea Pigs Advice Needed

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
We brought home our New Guinea pigs at the weekend, we left them until yesterday evening, we were around so they could hear us but we were watching from afar. Last night I tried stroking one in the hutch (indoors) and he let me so I lifted him out for a cuddle. He didn't freeze or shake with fear, he was looking up and me and looking around. Put him back in and he was running around with his brother and they sounded like they were bubbling - it was too high pitched to be rumbling.
Today though they have been so scared, whenever we are anywhere near they hide, and when I tried to stroke one in the hutch he just ran away and hid in the hay. Then they were running round their hutch as if they were terrified and trying to get away from us. We quickly came away and have left them alone. I've put some veg in for them in the hope it will help. Are there any tips? What should I do? I hate the thought that they will be sad
Thanks, I've read them before they're really useful! We're doing everything it says, so I guess the only thing is time... They are used to daily handling and have been since they were very little
It does just take time. Remember that piggies are prey animals so being picked up is a really difficult thing for them. Especially as they've had a move and change in home recently. It takes them a while. Just spend time sitting and talking to them so they get used to your voice and sounds of you being there and try to get down to their level when picking them up so you're not towering over them.

Piggies are great little things and my big boy Harris loves to sleep on my lap but he detests being picked up and he's nearly 4! So don't worry and just take it slow :)
Thanks, I have to get down really low as they are in a hutch and it's quite low to the ground.

Should I perservere with trying to pick them up or should I just leave it?
You need to talk constantly to them, let your fingers be near their noses, bribe them with food to let you touch them, ie hold the food source whilst they chew at it. This helps them to associate you with their favourite thing, FooD.
Gently herding them to a corner whilst crooning to the guinea helps with the picking up process. Patience and love is the key :)
Thanks, they run so fast and bury themselves so deep in hay that my hand doesn't get chance to be anywhere near them! I've honestly never seen anything so small move so fast haha!
They are fast little critters! they will get used to you, don't worry too much. I have had extremely timid piggies eventually come to me when called by name, so rewarding, just don't rush things xx Enjoy.
I have the same issue with my little one that we have for about a month now, she is so "spastic", fearful, jumps and runs if you come near her but will take veggies from my hand! I feel bad also because i think she's always afraid! the older one likes to bee left alone, so unfortunatley the little one isn't getting much comfort right now! and it's almost impossible for me to get her out of the cage! so i coax her into a tube and lift that out! otherwise it turns into a chase scene and i don't want to agitate her; i had hoped she would settle down but not so far
I make a little noise everytime I approach the cage when I want to hand feed them or pick them up. I also make the same sound at breakfast and dinner time so they associate me with food. After 5months I can finally pick up my youngest 2 with no hassle and they will eagerly come to me for food. Stroking however while in the cage or eating food is a no no for them so I don't push it. I'm really Impressed at the progress they've made considering they were rescues. Persevere with them, some just don't like being stroked but they may just need more time x
I make a little noise everytime I approach the cage when I want to hand feed them or pick them up. I also make the same sound at breakfast and dinner time so they associate me with food. After 5months I can finally pick up my youngest 2 with no hassle and they will eagerly come to me for food. Stroking however while in the cage or eating food is a no no for them so I don't push it. I'm really Impressed at the progress they've made considering they were rescues. Persevere with them, some just don't like being stroked but they may just need more time x
thanks! that gives me some hope!
Well, some progress, they let me sit with my hand on top of the hay while I was talking to them, Albie hid but sam just kind of eyed me suspiciously... Better then nothing!
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