New Guinea Pig!

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 23, 2015
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Hi Everyone!

I am new to this site, and guinea pig owning!

I would just like a little advise as I'm kinda worried

I've read a lot about the Guinea pig etc. and just worried about my new furry friend:-).

She seems to be very shy, hiding away in her hidey home a lot, I haven't seen her drink any water yet however she has been given her veggies and eaten all of them, asides the bits which aren't as crunchy as the rest!

Is this normal for a New Guinea pig? What can I expect from her behaviour over the next few days? I'm really worried she won't settle in!
Hi and welcome!

Have you just got a single piggy or did you get a pair? Guinea pigs are prey animals that live in groups. They are not wired to live on their own and they are not instant cuddly pets. Especially shop or breeder bought pets have had virtually no human contact. You will have to slowly build up trust, respecting your little girl's instincts. If at all possible, please get her a same gender friend or a neutered boar, ideally from a good standard rescue, so you can be sure that any new new guinea pig is already quarantined, perfectly healthy, used to handling and - in the case of a sow - guaranteed not pregnant. An older, more confident piggy will be able to take yours under the wing, so it can learn and come along much more quickly.

You may find these threads here helpful in settling your girl in. You can find more information at the top of our various Care sections, but you are welcome to ask any questions you may have at any point.

We have got a recommended good standard UK rescues locator on the top bar as well as piggy savvy vet locator, but can provide a link for the same in other countries, if wished. Please add your country, state or (for the UK) your county to your details by clicking on your username on the top bar, then going to personal details and scrolling down to location. This will help us to always tailor any advice and recommendations to what is available and possible where you are straight away in view of us having members from all over the world with very different climates, brands and backgrounds.
Thank you for your reply!

For the moment i just have the one piggy, I was intending to get a pair however she was all alone in the enclosure and decided I would rescue her and take her home with me.

I will be looking to get a companion once I have got to grips with piggy care, and able to understand her behaviour.

Thank you for the links, I will give them all a good read over!
I hope that you can find her a suitable confident friend who can give her the snuggle warmth and teaching security that young guinea pigs need. We can unfortunately only guarantee for the listed rescues' standards as anybody can call themselves a rescue without licence, so the results can be very dire indeed. it is however well worth for going the extra length, as you will be in very safe hands and can neatly avoid all the pitfalls that can await the unwary.
I hope that you can find her a suitable confident friend who can give her the snuggle warmth and teaching security that young guinea pigs need. We can unfortunately only guarantee for the listed rescues' standards as anybody can call themselves a rescue without licence, so the results can be very dire indeed. it is however well worth for going the extra length, as you will be in very safe hands and can neatly avoid all the pitfalls that can await the unwary.

Me too! Hopefully when she is all settled and myself too - into the life of the piggy owner, I will look to, this time adopting from a rescue!
Hello and :wel: to the forum. Piggies are adorable, and I'm sure you will very quickly get the hang of everything. Wiebke is right, though, that they do much better in pairs or groups than on their own. They are generally very sociable and benefit greatly from the company of their own kind. Have fun getting to know your new piggy.
Hello and :wel: to the forum. Piggies are adorable, and I'm sure you will very quickly get the hang of everything. Wiebke is right, though, that they do much better in pairs or groups than on their own. They are generally very sociable and benefit greatly from the company of their own kind. Have fun getting to know your new piggy.

Thank you!

Hopefully within a few weeks she will come out her shell:D
Guinea pigs are prey animals and as such are very shy so it will take some time for her to get to know you so just be patient and talk to her also feed her veggies from your hand that way she knows she gets only gets good stuff from you.
Hi and welcome :) Yes your piggy's shyness it completely normal :) Once she has a friend she is likely to get a little braver. It's amazing what a companion can do to boost their confidence :)

thankyou both:D

Today she has slowly been coming out of hiding whilst I am in the room/moving about.

Was far more relaxed when in the garden, enjoyed the nice patch of grass coming over to the run sides etc.
That's good news and are you thinking of a friend for her?

Definatly, I originally planned for two however I saw her all alone in a small enclosure and fell in love, had a cuddle and that was it, she was mine.

I'm going to wait for her to settle a little bit more, get into the routine of piggy care before I go find a match for her.
Enjoy your new pet! Piggies require patience and will take their time in getting to know you. Once they do though they are very rewarding and interesting animals to look after. Don't believe anyone who tells you they are 'boring':td:. When you start to get the loud Wheek Wheek greeting when it is feeding time you will smile from ear to ear! Have fun and welcome to the forum.
Enjoy your new pet! Piggies require patience and will take their time in getting to know you. Once they do though they are very rewarding and interesting animals to look after. Don't believe anyone who tells you they are 'boring':td:. When you start to get the loud Wheek Wheek greeting when it is feeding time you will smile from ear to ear! Have fun and welcome to the forum.

I'm glad that's all normal, I was quite worried I haven't heard many sounds from her yet, I've been refraining from lots of cuddles for the moment to let her get used to her new environment.
No, you may not hear much to start with, and some piggies are noisier than others naturally. They are very intelligent though, and you will be surprised at how quickly they work out your routine and where the fridge( veggies!) is located.;)
I have heard a lot they like a routine!

Cant wait until I'm greeted to her all excited in the morning, will make all the patience worth while!
Being skittish in a new place with a new person is very normal, particularly for a solo pig (they tend to gain confidence with company.) Hiding a lot is very normal in the early days. Just keep you interactions with her pleasant and positive (which they will be, as you will be the person providing the food!) and she will find out that you are trustworthy and she is safe as time goes by.

Two of my pigs who started out the most skittish (actually my current pair, Sundae and Hadley) ended up being huge lap pets once they figured out I was not going to eat them! Hang in there, the patience will pay off!
I'm glad it's all normal, hopefully she's settle properly soon and begin to trust me, last thing I'd want is for her to be unhappy, can't wait to get her a piggy pal:D
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