New Guinea Pig !

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New Born Pup
Dec 27, 2014
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Hey guys,

I got a new female Guinea pig that is about 4 weeks old. I've had her for 4 days now. I tried to grab her the first day ( which i realize now that was a huge mistake) but she started moving super fast so I had to let go of her. I then proceeded to hand feed her vegetables. She is really into cucumbers and especially carrots. She would snatch them from my hand at first (still does it sometimes) but now she sort of actually eats it out of my hand. I keep her hay/water/pellets always full and I have a cage and a house for her to allow for some personal time. However, most of the time when the house is inside the cage she just goes in and stays there. Is this something normal ? She is gradually letting me pet her now. She used to run a lot before. I want to take her out of the cage so she could exercise/socialize. Any suggestions on how to do that ? I don't want to terrify her though that's why I'm hesitant. Thanks
Hey @Lepaul6 Weclome to the forum

All perfectly normal, especially the hiding in the house bit. We set up a video camera with our first piggies to see if they ever came out, as they wouldn't while in the room with us.

Here is a great thread for tips on how to settle piggies

This video show techniques to pick up piggies which is stress free for them and you, we use this technique still to this day :)

Have you thought about getting a friend for your piggy? What is her name? Could you add your location to your profile please as we have members all over the world

You have only had your new piggie for 4 days, so everything, including you, is still new to her. You are doing right by hand feeding her bits of veg, but give it another couple of weeks. Take everything really slow and move quietly around her. It is good that you have given her places to hide so she does not feel vulnerable and exposed. Perhaps when she has got used to you, you could get her a C and C cage and a new friend. Both will encourage natural behaviour and make her happy. C and C cages allow exercise in a safe environment.
Hi :wel:to the forum..

This thread may also help you understand your piggy's behaviour ..

In the meantime can you please add your location to your profile as it helps fellow members give any answers to questions you may have that may be area/country specific. This can be done by clicking on your username, then personal details, then add location......

Lisa & Ali..
:wel: To the forum. Pick her up with 1 hand under her tummy and the other on top of her back. Keep petting/handling sessions short and keep them fun for your piggie by giving her veg or fruit. It is normal for piggies to stay in hidey holes just take it out for a few hours or reposition it and buy a few more. Piggies love company so please, please, please get her a friend and a 2x4 c and c cage or bigger if possible would be good. R6A cages are good and are 150cm long (check on eBay). What is the type and dmensions of your cage? As big as possible is good!:)
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