New Guinea Pig To Be Owner


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 28, 2017
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Hi, I'm looking for some advice as I have been told so many different things.
I'm looking to getting Guinea pigs 2. I'm an animal lover so want to know I'm doing the right thing I always assumed they went outside so bought a hutch (very big lots of space) and we were all excited to decide on choosing 2 guinea pigs till I rang a rescue and she said they CANNOt go outside .
So my question is can guinea pigs be housed outside.
Il explain my set up it's a big spacious hutch which I would bed very well and put little cost houses in for them to huddle I was going to leave them out all summer and come winter time use a heat pad extra bedding if it was extremely bad weather I would bring them in. I have a thermal hutch cover and a unused garage which I leave the back door open 24/7 so winter time was going to move there hutch there and do all of the above. I would bring them in everyday for cuddles. But know I've been told they can't go outside I'm unsure. I can't have them indoors as my landlord won't allow it
Any advice gratefully received.
ive some piggies outside for spring and summer,then place in shed for autumn and can work.welcome to the forum,you are doing well with your research.maybe have a look at the rescue locator at top of page and see if any are near your location.:)
ive some piggies outside for spring and summer,then place in shed for autumn and can work.welcome to the forum,you are doing well with your research.maybe have a look at the rescue locator at top of page and see if any are near your location.:)
Thankyou for your reply it's honestly Meade me feel so guilty if I got some and put outside but I really would keep them snug and warm and sheltered x
Hey there,

Mine are housed outdoors all year round, yes I fret in the hot summer and the cold winters and when it gets too cold, I have cages ready to relocate them as I can't use my garage. I too use both thermal covers and then hutch hugger, heat pads, fleece beds etc. so all super cozy.
Thankyou for your reply it's honestly Meade me feel so guilty if I got some and put outside but I really would keep them snug and warm and sheltered x
Made I mean silly predictive
Hey there,

Mine are housed outdoors all year round, yes I fret in the hot summer and the cold winters and when it gets too cold, I have cages ready to relocate them as I can't use my garage. I too use both thermal covers and then hutch hugger, heat pads, fleece beds etc. so all super cozy.
thankyou I have been reading greenhouse bubble insulation is very good to pin around the outside so I may give that a go but I do worry i.e. Bringing them in the warm for a cuddle then sending them back out to the hutch but with a heat pad/insulation and being kept in the garage should be ample enough x
You are right to pick up on this point, I'm very careful in the winter that I don't bring them into a central heated house, what I do is bring them into the summer house which is always cooler than the rest of the house anyway, so any nail trimming or treatment and check over, and on clean out I put them into an indoor run in the summer house whist I stay outdoors with a bowl of boiling water! Oh I dislike the winter!

If you have the thermal cover which is like a padded silver thing...Scratch and Newton do a good one with a fly screen over the front section, which is a godsend for me in the summer due to rural location. I then have the hutch hugger. Additionally I have some large heavy duty blankets which get put over the hutch doors overnight and then I can attach carpet to the inside of the hutch doors with cable ties too. Heat pads (snuggle safe ones), plus an electric heat pad.
ive some piggies outside for spring and summer,then place in shed for autumn and can work.welcome to the forum,you are doing well with your research.maybe have a look at the rescue locator at top of page and see if any are near your location.:)
Hi Eileen just a quick one I was thinking of putting he hutch in the garden as we pick piggies up Friday. But my mum and Dad suggested leave in the door of the garage as that's where they will be in winter!
What would you suggest fully outside or garage so they have the light still it's not a normal door the actual garage slide up ones that I leave open onto my back garden.
Also in the winter when it gets dark early and I put them to bed do you think close the garage door behind too. So there secure as I guess it will be dark anyways early so won't make a difference then re open it up early morning for the light.
Sorry to be a pain just want to get it right. It's the blue bell hutch I have got and I might line the bottom with some Lino so the wood can take the urine better. X
Sorry I'm one for indoors in a C&C cages. Mine are in the lounge, they get stroked & talked to everytime someone goes past the cage. I find they are more social indoors. I hate the fact if they went outside, they would get cold toes.
Hi @Lucyscarla it is really what works best for you,guinea pigs will have more protection in the garage,as long as there are not any cars parked in the garage due to fumes from petrol !the bluebell hutch is good,the thermal cover will help for the winter.maybe get a battery light that can be used in the garage when it is dark.i would also get two snugglesafe heat pads for cold weather,i use them at night when it is cold.maybe a fabric pen or metal run so you can allow the piggies out on garage floor for exercise when it is too cold/wet to put out on grass.x
Welcome to the forum! :)

It's a bit of a personal preference I guess. I personally prefer indoor as it's easier to regulate temperature. As someone who's kept reptiles I think it's important to keep them at the temperatures of their natural habitat which would be between 17-24 degrees, preferably somewhere in the middle. Basically if it's too hot or cold for us without a coat it would be for them too.

I think that's why a lot of rescues won't rehome to outdoor environments any more as it gets too cold in winter and too hot in summer. Too many uncontrollable variables in temperatures for them sadly.
Hi @Lucyscarla it is really what works best for you,guinea pigs will have more protection in the garage,as long as there are not any cars parked in the garage due to fumes from petrol !the bluebell hutch is good,the thermal cover will help for the winter.maybe get a battery light that can be used in the garage when it is dark.i would also get two snugglesafe heat pads for cold weather,i use them at night when it is cold.maybe a fabric pen or metal run so you can allow the piggies out on garage floor for exercise when it is too cold/wet to put out on grass.x
Thanks Eileen it's a car free garage it's just used for toys ect it does have a light in there so I could leave that on Thankyou for your advice x
you would only need light when you are seeing to piggies ,you must be excited to get your piggies!please let us know how you get on.x
Depending on your climate, there are people who keep pigs outdoors or in a shed or garage (not really an option in Canada where I live, but in more temperate climates it's possible!) Hopefully some others with outdoor pigs will be able to give you better guidance. Some shelters/adoption agencies have rules about where they adopt to that are theirs to set, so you may just have to shop around for a rescue that is more amenable to outdoor piggies.
Hi everyone me again I've been thinking about moving them indoors for winter it's difficult as my toddler will hassle and I have cats but I have a unused room down stairs that I can leave open it's big enough for a cage had a window ect I can close and lock the door if my toddler hassles them ie(going in the cage) and shut away from my cats. I have seen a cage just wondering if you think it is big enough for winter time only? There's no radiator in the room but still it's inside so better then out. I will attach a photo thanks and are they noisy at night x


Hi everyone me again I've been thinking about moving them indoors for winter it's difficult as my toddler will hassle and I have cats but I have a unused room down stairs that I can leave open it's big enough for a cage had a window ect I can close and lock the door if my toddler hassles them ie(going in the cage) and shut away from my cats. I have seen a cage just wondering if you think it is big enough for winter time only? There's no radiator in the room but still it's inside so better then out. I will attach a photo thanks and are they noisy at night x

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Have you got your pigs now? Are they boys or girls? :)

Being inside for winter is much better :)
It's for 2 guine pigs currently 10 weeks old
Have you got your pigs now? Are they boys or girls? :)

Being inside for winter is much better :)
2 girls Lilly and Lola I take there hot water bottle in at night and shut them away. I'm so over the top give them new toys everyday, cleaning 3 times a week. They seem happy as they were pop Corning yesterday. I just will feel better with them indoors over winter. Do you think that cage will be ok? Another thing is they have not been drinking much atall from there water bottle they have once but not since I gave them some water melon and cucumber and really water there veg I tried a bowl of water but it was tipping out x

Have you got your pigs now? Are they boys or girls? :)

Being inside for winter is much better :)
Another thing I noticed is Lola prefers to be handled Lilly runs FAST and just haven't quite come round yet when I handle Lola Lilly kind of pines for her (I'm certain of it ) as she wanders around the cage making squeaks and when I put Lola back they rub noses x
It's for 2 guine pigs currently 10 weeks old

2 girls Lilly and Lola I take there hot water bottle in at night and shut them away. I'm so over the top give them new toys everyday, cleaning 3 times a week. They seem happy as they were pop Corning yesterday. I just will feel better with them indoors over winter. Do you think that cage will be ok? Another thing is they have not been drinking much atall from there water bottle they have once but not since I gave them some water melon and cucumber and really water there veg I tried a bowl of water but it was tipping out x

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Ah lovely, well the ramp might be a smidge steep for your younguns, do you know the size?

I'm always like that with the pigs, spoilt rotten right? :D

I wouldn't worry too much, my lot barely drank when I first got them. All I can suggest is trying filtered water for them and maybe switching to a glass bottle to see if it helps them drink more :) My pigs have been loving their new filtered water!
The lady haven't got back to me yet I have found another one it's 80cm? Do you think that's to small I'm trying to find my tape measure to see how large it will be
The lady haven't got back to me yet I have found another one it's 80cm? Do you think that's to small I'm trying to find my tape measure to see how large it will be
And that has no ramp just on a stand x
80cm sounds a bit like a hamster cage? 4 foot (121 cm) is the minimum for two girlies. So I don't know if you can find one about 4 foot by 2 foot? It doesn't need to be two storey, in fact 1 storey is best :)
Thanks everyone it's all new to me will no doubt be on again at some point with another query. X