New guinea pig not moving much, is he just scared?

Braden Meddleton

New Born Pup
May 8, 2022
Reaction score
Today I got a new guinea pig named Kenny, he's not moving around much and I feel a bit worried. Is he just nervous about his new home.

Its normal for new piggies to be scared, and it can take some weeks to months for them to settle in.
Does he have another piggy to live with? Guinea pigs are highly social creatures and always need to be kept in pairs (particularly guinea pigs who are under four months of age must never be alone). If he is by himself, he is going to be even more scared and single guinea pigs do get lonely.

Make sure he has lots of places to hide this will help him feel more secure. Also, cover his cage with a blanket so he feels safe. Guinea pigs don’t like open spaces and need to be covered.
Also make sure you put hay near all his hides so he doesn’t have to come out to eat if he doesnt want to.

If he doesnt live with another piggy, then you will need to get him a friend him. Make sure to check his sex and check the sex of his new friend to make sure they are definitely both the same sex.
Two boars need a cage of a minimum of 150x60cm but 180x60 is recommended as two boars need a lot of space.

The green links below provide some further information, but do ask us questions, we are always happy to help

New Owners' Essential Information and Practical Tips Starter Collection
Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering and Cuddling Tips
Cage Size Guide
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Hello and welcome to the forum. Great advice from @Piggies&buns. I’m sure he’s just very scared at the moment. Leave food close by and make sure he has places to hide.
Today I got a new guinea pig named Kenny, he's not moving around much and I feel a bit worried. Is he just nervous about his new home.
Hiya, give him time to adjust to his new home, my two 8 month old girls are two weeks in and are only just taking lettuce from me, they hid they run every time they heard a noise etc, be patient and you will get your reward
Hi and welcome to the Forum.

How old is your piggy? Is he on his own or does he have a friend? Guinea pigs, unfortunately, aren't the animated cuddly toys they are made out to be. They are prey animals at atm Kenny is very scared. Put yourself in his position.... He has been taken from the only family he knows and put somewhere new where he knows nobody and he has nobody to talk to. There are some strange noises. He thinks he is going to be eaten so he hides. If he keeps really still then the big smelly giant (you - to all piggies humans are smelly nothing to do with your personal hygiene!) may get bored of him and leave him alone. He is running on prey instincts to keep himself alive. He doesn't know that you aren't going to eat him. You have to teach him that.

The links that @Piggies&buns have linked in are very good especially the piggy whispering techniques. Let Kenny settle for a few days. He will come out to eat when all is quiet and he's feeling a bit braver.

I adopted a pair of piggies back in November and every night for 6 months I hand fed them their veggies so that they knew they could trust me. Lexi is still very scared and I can only pick her up in a hidey for a very quick cuddle once I've sat down and even then I have to put her in my cardi so she's covered and therefore feels safer. She starts to vibrate after a couple of minutes she's that terrified of being handled. Thea is OK for a quick cuddle and doesn't vibrate. It can take a long time to get a piggy to trust you. Some just never get used to being picked up and handled. You just have to respect it if that's how they are.

I'm sure with some patience on your part, Kenny will start to be braver soon. It sounds like you are a caring owner as you have asked for help.