New Guinea Pig And Trust


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 28, 2017
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mcalester oklahoma
I have had my new guinea pig Rosy for a week now and she still seems nervous and shy. What can I do to help her be more at home?
You could try tempting her with food or if you want to pick her up let her get in a card or any other, kind & let her come out when she's on your lap. For now get up I'd talk very softly & offer tiny bits of food. Do NOT Tower over the top of her they are prey animals & will get frightened. Good luck & enjoy your piggy. If Rosy is an only guinea she will need another friend. Having another piggy would help Rosy's confidence.
Cover half the cage with a thin sheet/blanket so that they don't feel so put in the open, they'll come out more if you do this. Offer small pieces of veg with your hand and keep your hand in the cage while you eat. Gently speak to the piggy and basically just sit and read a book next to them so they get used to you x
They loveeee things to hide in and also cuddly toys but make sure they have the safe for children sticker on them x
They love paper bags, you can order them from Amazon, put a bit of fruit inside screwed up paper.
A loft with a ramp, they love racing up & down a ramp. Get a wooden ball take a little bit out of it & stuff with hay. Put several Toliet rolls together run a piece of string all the way through & hang them up to the side of the cage. Not to high, then stuff with hay. Cardboard houses they love to chew those. You can get made toys, look in the bird stuff. You can get cardboard mazes, but I haven't used them
Last Friday we adopted a very frightened little girl who was in a terrible condition and had been seized by the sspca. She had never seen love until that day. She was terribly shy and when I picked her up I held her close and she just clung to me.

For a few days we let her settle, never lifted her hidey off of her, fed her lots of lovely salad and we crouched or sat beside her on the floor and spoke soothingly to her. Gradually she started taking food from my hand and over the past two days she has been a lot better and has come out for cuddles and just sat chilling with us.

Take your time, don't rush her into anything she will take her own time just be there when she is ready.
I've had my little ones about 7 weeks now, neither are really keen on being picked up, but once picked up both calm a little, my little boy is a lot more confident and now sits with me for a while, he'll eat on my knee, let me brush him, trim him and do his nails (though I am still nervous about the nail trimming!) then he wants to start looking around, or making a fuss as he wants a wee - I have learned this noise! I tend to let them out in my kitchen and sit on the floor and he comes over and have a run around me, my little girl is a lot shyer, she'll come up to me when I'm sat on the floor, but just freezes when i pick her up, so I only do it for a few minutes each day and when I pop her back in the cage she generally get a bit of lettuce or something, last night though I popped her on my knee on her fleece and she did seem to settle, I have to pick them up most days to pop them outside, but they do run away. I am just going to take it a day at a time, I have read that it can take a long time for some little piggies.
"shannonandrosy,"I have had my new guinea pig Rosy for a week now and she still seems nervous and shy. What can I do to help her be more at home?"
My guineas were nervous for around a month or two- it is annoying but understandable! She is probably just settling in. Is she housed with another pig?
If not then maybe consider finding her a friend - Guinea pigs are group animals and do not like being alone. Basically the more the merrier! Also keep other pets out of the way, this can make them nervous. Each time you walk past go close to her and let her sniff your hand. Pigs like to know who you are. Also don't make any sudden movements around her. I found when cuddling them, it is advisable to give a little treat, to make them feel relaxed. For the first few weeks give her quiet cuddles, don't chase her around if she doesn't feel like being held. Leave it a few weeks before introducing floor time, otherwise she will get a little overwhelmed! I hope this helps!

I didn't realize there so many different types of guinea pigs. From my research she is American he is a teddy. Is there a way to soften his fur. It feels really rough compared to hers. He also had red eyes
Well Rosy got her a friend today. Her name is Caliou. My 4 year old named them after his favorite cartoon Caliou lol Boy was rosie went to chirping. I was kind of worried about her fur when I first saw her. Looked really rough thought the bigger guinea pigs at petco were picking on him. Did some research he's a teddy guinea pig.

Wait you've got an unneutered male and female living together? Or are they living side by side until he's neutered? I'm a bit confused now.

Total cutie though!