New Guinea Pig And Introducing Other Pets!

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New Born Pup
Apr 11, 2014
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Hi, I picked up a guinea pig yesterday. We named him Norman but we we,re told that two males would fight. We liked wee "Norman" as he was very confident and unbothered by my young children's noise/handling (supervised) so ended up taking him. He seems to like handling and nibbling everything, including clothes. He's just settled beautifully I cannot believe it. Two questions really as it's been a while since I personally owned a guinea pig.
1.) should we add another male? He seems fine on his own but with further reading apparently they all need buddies and I feel bad not taking another. But they we're dead set on "males fight" ?!
2.) any tips on introduction to other pets? We have a rescue dog, he will chase things but has never had any ill intent. We've have a few injured crows and he's been fine with them. He just seems interested in the guinea pig ATM all the rustling and nosies. He's had a wee sniff whilst I was cuddling and he listens when I tell him to leave the cage alone. "Norman" doesn't seem to fussed by the dog really. Any tips would be great.
Hello, Welcome to the forum.

Congratulations on getting Norman, piggies are social animals so it is always good to have a pair. Has he been neutered? If so you could get him a wifey pig. If not another boy is a good idea, lots of boys live in pairs absolutely fine with each other.

Here are some information threads on Boars and bonding
Introducing Guinea Pigs

Some Guinea Pig Rescues off piggy dating where Normaln could choose his own friend. Am tagging in a few of our Scittiush memebers in case they know of anywhere that does piggie dating


I personally wouldnt take the risk of introducing Norman to your doggy. He will need to settle in a feel safe in his new home. Is that him in your profile photo? He is lovely :love:
Thank you for the quick response, he's only a baby so not neutered. Sounds like the best thing would be to get another wee male friend. It was a spur of the moment buy! Which I would usually not do and always frown upon but I intend to do the best for Norman and once here there family for life. He fits in really well already. He's very active and loving veggies and some wee toys I created for him today. He's had an hour of cuddles and a wee run round a homemade run. (In the house) he will be a indoor pet :) he seems very content and confident for a guinea pig...not to worried about the noise in the house and my mad children he grazes happily and doesn't seem to hide away to much. LOVES his food! I've kept the dog away and his cage is in the hall above reach of little fingers and the dog so he can still hear us but not hounded. I will read up on some of the links thank you very much. Xx ps that is wee Norman, he's lovely. Speckled coat and black back legs :D image.webp
Hi there, welcome to the forum! And congratulations on your new arrival - he is gorgeous!

Unfortunately we have a real lack of rescues in Scotland and the only one I'm aware of which we can recommend is Hutches rescue in Alyth -

I haven't double checked but I'm fairly certain she does boar dating. Unfortunately it looks like it'd be a good 3 hour drive for you to get there, personally I'd do it in a heart beat if I needed to and if I'm still in Glasgow (or Scotland - I could end up further north myself) when the time comes then I'll absolutely be making the journey to find a new mate for my piggy. I'm aware though that there are practical issues involved, especially with a busy family to organise. I would agree though that your piggy does need a friend and going to hutches would be the safest way of finding a compatible friend, it would also have the added bonus of providing a forever home to a guinea pig who really needs it :)

Good luck with your decision - if there's anything else I can do to help please let me know.
Thank you , I will have a good look. Would prefer to do dating so I know they get on. I have always had a house full of rescues. Including our recent rescue dog from Cyprus! He's lovely our wee Norman just trying to keep him enriched as much as I can until we can find him a wee friend. We love it up north it's beautiful :)
Please never leave your piggy/ies where your dog can get to him :( I still remember the devastated lady on here whose dog wanted to "Play" with her piggy & ended up killing it :( For one thing your piggy will be petrified; they are naturally prey animals & a dog near him would traumatise him. Please make sure the cage has a safe lid that cannot be opened easily so the dog can't get into him & that you keep the dog well away so he doesn't bark at the little piggy :) If you get him a little friend he will be much happier too :)
Please take Poppy'sMum's advice. Dogs have a very strong instinct to kill small furries. I had an awful experience a few years ago when working at a vets. A lady brought in2 piggies her neighbour had abandoned when they moved away and left in a hutch without food or water. They were emaciated, had severe mites and severe vit c defficiency and were given a poor prognosis. The lady was keen to give them a home and pay for treatment. As she had limited guinea pig experience it was agreed they would live with me until they were better. So I nursed them for over 2 months until they were fit and strong. We discussed their requirements, etc and made it very clear she was under no oblgation to keep them and that they would not be pts if she didn't but be treated and go to a rescue centre. She was very keen to keep them though and seemed very responsible. The one thing she didn't tell us tho was that she had a jack russel ( it was registered a different vets). So after everything those poor pigies had been through, within 2 weeks they had been killed. I am crying now and still blame myself for not persuading her to sign them over.

Sorry to scaremunger, many people own dogs and other pets and keep them apart without a problem. We had dogs and guinea pigs when I was growing up no problem. I think the above experience has left me a little scared.

Norman is gorgeous, he is a beautiful roan piggy .... my favourite!
I have had dogs,cats and small furries together in the house for most of my life, my dogs are very high prey drive dogs, and I am under no illusions as to how they view the small furries - they are snacks.

However we have all lived in harmony because never, under any circumstances, are dogs and small furries left unattended together, not even for a split second. I've lost count of the number of times I have had to call a friend back saying that I couldn't answer the phone because I had the guineas out!
I remember a year or so ago, a guineapiggy youtuber lost a group of guineas when her dog got into the cage and ate them. she found bits and pieces around the room, it's horrible. so I'd make sure you're careful with the dog around. You could always try and contact the local spca to see if they will try boar dating. beautiful piggy you've got there ;)
Please take Poppy'sMum's advice. Dogs have a very strong instinct to kill small furries. I had an awful experience a few years ago when working at a vets. A lady brought in2 piggies her neighbour had abandoned when they moved away and left in a hutch without food or water. They were emaciated, had severe mites and severe vit c defficiency and were given a poor prognosis. The lady was keen to give them a home and pay for treatment. As she had limited guinea pig experience it was agreed they would live with me until they were better. So I nursed them for over 2 months until they were fit and strong. We discussed their requirements, etc and made it very clear she was under no oblgation to keep them and that they would not be pts if she didn't but be treated and go to a rescue centre. She was very keen to keep them though and seemed very responsible. The one thing she didn't tell us tho was that she had a jack russel ( it was registered a different vets). So after everything those poor pigies had been through, within 2 weeks they had been killed. I am crying now and still blame myself for not persuading her to sign them over.

Sorry to scaremunger, many people own dogs and other pets and keep them apart without a problem. We had dogs and guinea pigs when I was growing up no problem. I think the above experience has left me a little scared.

Norman is gorgeous, he is a beautiful roan piggy .... my favourite!
I am so sorry to hear this. How awful for you.
Hi :wel:to the forum..

You certainly live in a wonderful part of the country. As @Nicola_ said there is really only one reputable rescue in Scotland, Hutches but it is an extremely good one and worth the extra miles for a visit. Joanne who runs Hutches would carry out boar dating for Norman and you can be sure that any match would be a good one. Just to let you know that boar dating can take some time and Joanne always recommends that a piggy who comes for boar dating is left at the rescue for a minimum of 48 hours to enable her to make sure that both boars are completely compatible. We ourselves have adopted three piggies from Hutches - two of which you can see on our avatar - Morgan and neutered boar Ouzo. Tia was busy polishing off some veggies when this photo was taken! It may be worth your while considering having Norman neutered. Again Joanne can help you with this as in the past she has suggested us using her vet to have one of our boys neutered. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you are looking for more information on Hutches.

On another subject can we ask which rescue you got your Cyprus rescue dog from? We recently did a home check for a lady who was hoping to rehome a dog from Greece and wondered if it was the same rescue - New Life Greek Rescue?

Lisa & Ali..x
Thank you , I will have a good look. Would prefer to do dating so I know they get on. I have always had a house full of rescues. Including our recent rescue dog from Cyprus! He's lovely our wee Norman just trying to keep him enriched as much as I can until we can find him a wee friend. We love it up north it's beautiful :)

Aww, was it a Cyprus Poodle? My mum was thinking about adopting one from Cyprus as they have so many in rescue. We have a family friend over there who works with a resuce centre there :)
Thanks for all the responses guys! I'm under no illusion that they are very prey like to a doggie, we've had birds and injured chicks in the house and he's very mothering with them. But I would never let interaction happen between them as I wouldn't risk it and Norman is to special :0) I may think about getting him neutered and finding him a male/female as he seems to be very attached to me ATM I thinking he thinks I'm a big Guinea pig! Lol

My Cyprus rescue was Caesar, he's a Black and Tan mix mutt. We lived in Cyprus for two years and realised the awful neglect out there. We became foster parents and Caesar just ended up staying and we brought him back with us...his mum was dumped in a ditch, shot, beat and back end bust up! She gave birth a stray and she was taken in and fixed up. Caesar ended up with us and rest is history. Beautiful temperament tho his happy demeanour makes him want to say hi to EVERYONE and ANYONE. I'll attach a wee picture :0)


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There are so e great rescues in Cyprus and Greece! I would recommend a rescue from either, especially the poodles there lovely :0)

I seem yo be in a part of Scotland that doesn't have many links rescue wise, I will defiantly look into rescue centre thank you. Just feel bad he's alone and by himself ATM :0(
Regarding neutering? Is this an easy procedure?! With them being diddy I wondered how they would cope under anaesthetic?
Regarding neutering? Is this an easy procedure?! With them being diddy I wondered how they would cope under anaesthetic?
Hi there. He does not need to be neutered unless you want to find him a female friend. If you chose a female then providing the vet is experienced, the operation is straight forward.
Hi there. He does not need to be neutered unless you want to find him a female friend. If you chose a female then providing the vet is experienced, the operation is straight forward.
Thank you, I'm hoping a wee male friend will be ok! Especially with him being young. Looking at sorting a c and c cage so even if they have wee issues when there older I could separate off but they still have company :0)
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