New Gp's But One Very Scared

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hi we got two baby piggies on 24th December and we left them for two days and then introduced them to the family (humans). One called Hattie was very confident and Ted was not so confident and kept trying to run off. Now Ted will let me put my hand in the hutch and stroke him but Hattie will run about like scary as if he is terrified. What is the best approach on helping him as I don't want to make things worse. They come out of the hutch about twice a day for a cuddle in the house.

Thank you
Try to coach Hattie into a cosy or tunnel to pick him up as it will be less stressful for him. Have him on your lap under a fleece as he will feel safer when he is hiding. You could try holding him with Ted to give him reassurance. It takes time for guinea pigs to trust you. Just be patient and speak softly.
Try to coach Hattie into a cosy or tunnel to pick him up as it will be less stressful for him. Have him on your lap under a fleece as he will feel safer when he is hiding. You could try holding him with Ted to give him reassurance. It takes time for guinea pigs to trust you. Just be patient and speak softly.

Thank you piggiefan, I have been covering Hattie with a blanket for cuddles and he seems a lot less stressed
How nice, you got them a day before Christmas!
I (personally) tried it with a towel/blanket, and I have smooth hairds so they just slide and wriggle out, but my approach is to offer them a piece of veg or fruit, then if you can slowly point one finger to the pig, they may let you stroke them, then picking them up. But, my piggie Lola still makes a right racket when I pick her up!

This should make the piggie not run off, as it will trust you.
I can't just pick up my piggie, I have to distract him with food! I then stroke the top of his head, then tickle behind both his ears then slowly move both hands to his middle when I can then pick him up :)
Why not get some snuggle/cosy sacks. Piggie can crawl in there without the stress of getting caught for a cuddle
I currently have two baby piggies and have had similar problems with them being nervous. I have been offering them veggies for a while and they're now starting to take them from me with no problems and seem to trust me a lot more when I stroke them and pick them up. I think some piggies are just more shy and nervous than others and it can take some time for them to settle, keep trying :)
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