Junior Guinea Pig

Unfortunately my lovely two girls passed away at the age of 9 years old a few months ago. I miss them dearly, and didn't feel ready to get more.
However! I accidentally came across two gorgeous rescue girls, 7 months old. They're adorable! I named them Bonnie and Betsy.
Now, they will always be in separate hutches to my older boys (Ziggy and Zorro). However, I am thinking of introducing them together so they can go outside in the same run. At the moment they are next to each other in separate runs. (See picture).
I have put them together twice now in the week that I have had the girls. The boys begin to get very 'excited' around the girls, attempting to mount etc. (They're castrated). They girls actively approach them too. My question is, will the hormonal response from the boys die down after a while? Or shall I just keep them separate always.
Please note - the boys were housed together with my older two girls previously. But they had been with the girls since they were babies.
Many thanks