New girls behaviour slow bonding with a boar


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 28, 2019
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Hey everyone !
We recently lost one of our 2 pig boats who lived separately :( so we have gotten our one boar 2 sows to live with !
How ever with losing his brother being neutered and having an infection they live side by side for now till he is better !
We’ve never had sows before , is it normal for one to be more dominant?
One of the girls seems ti be rumble strutting at the other one quite a bit ?
Just wondering if this is normal behaviour?
We’ve had them for a week now ! And one seems quite bossy 😅
Thanks for your help !
They are still going at it ! One of them just keeps rumble strutting at the other 😭😅 at time they are fine but one seems more aggressive and the other is always squeeking away !
We’ve had them just over a week and slow bonding with our boar until he becomes better !

I thought 2 girls would be all cuddled up but these 2 just want there own space 😅


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Is the constant rumbling just them settling in together ? 😅 and one asserting dominance ?
I’ve tried to take everything out to see if they get on better but I’ve woken up and the black Guinea pig seems in a right mood this morning 😅
It doesn’t help that Mabel the ginger one keeps getting in her grill 😩😅
The video didn’t upload !
But we’ve tried to take everything out and just leave hay and veg to see if it sorts there differences out !
Could it just be settling in and establishing hierarchies?
The video didn’t upload !
But we’ve tried to take everything out and just leave hay and veg to see if it sorts there differences out !
Could it just be settling in and establishing hierarchies?
I'm afraid it's not possible to upload videos directly (too expensive for a forum funded by donations) so you need to upload them to YouTube or similar and then link to them.

Best of luck for your bonding.
Your set up looks fine but it's very early days so just give them a chance to settle.
I wouldn't keep moving things around to be honest - it will just further unsettle them.

I would also add that I have never had girls cuddle up together. In fact in all my years as a piggy owner I only ever had one pair who slept together and that was a boar/sow pair.
Can I ask what you mean by slow bonding? I would wait until he’s fully better before putting them together. If you are merely swapping bedding then ignore me.

The girls will settle down, give them time 😊
Hey everyone !
Our boar has finally been given the clear from his neutering,
And has moved into a Brand new cage , they have been living together side by side and are now together !
they still seem to be rumble strutting , and if one of the sows are in a corner / hidey they chance my boar out ? He’s not mounting them of anything! It’s been 24 hours now , they are definitely not a loved up trio , they all like their own space and hidey ! They are in a cage of 3x4 so space shouldn’t be an issue.
But even since we got the sows they have never been like always nice to each other , rather moaning at each other most of the time ! 😅

There’s been no blood or anything just a few fisty cuffs thrown when they get into each others space !
Is it best to try leave them to it ?
Sounds normal so I would leave them to it. Remember that it takes them up to two weeks to settle into their hierarchy. It’s still very early days and they’re still sorting themselves out. I would try and make sure that all hides have two exits.

Not being near each other doesn’t mean they’re not loved up. Wanting their own space is absolutely the norm 😊
Hey guys thanks for all the help ! It’s our first time having sows aswell !
They are all together and one of the sows our male gets in brilliant with ,
But with the other sow. They keep having little pops at each other ! And bit of teeth chattering , while chasing each other round ?
There has been no blood or anything , but sometimes cardboard houses go flying 😅

Don’t really know what to do when one of girls doesn’t seem to be getting on !