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New finding for Stripe


Adult Guinea Pig
May 18, 2024
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
The vet recommended sending out the X-rays to a specialist, so we did.

He has an inner ear infection and some lung issues!

I knew he wasn't right!

He'll start his antibiotics Tuesday.

Finally getting some answers!

The vet recommended sending out the X-rays to a specialist, so we did.

He has an inner ear infection and some lung issues!

I knew he wasn't right!

He'll start his antibiotics Tuesday.

Finally getting some answers!


Very sorry that things are not well but glad that you are finally getting somewhere.

You may also want to keep an eye on this health issue here, in case it is playing into it. Symptoms can vary widely.
Just picked up Stripe's meds.

He's on.35ml Ditrim for ten days, every 12 hours.

Anyone know if it will affect his appetite and poo?

How long till I see an improvement in him?
Just picked up Stripe's meds.

He's on.35ml Ditrim for ten days, every 12 hours.

Anyone know if it will affect his appetite and poo?

How long till I see an improvement in him?


Ditrim is another brand name for bactrim (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole). It generally impacts less on the digestive bacteria and extreme adverse reactions are also less common.
It can however take a little longer than baytril for any improvement to show but it is the other antibiotic that is licensed and used for guinea pigs apart from baytril. That is also the reason why you are getting 12 days and not the standard 7 for baytril. ;)

Whether it works for your particular infection is something that needs to be seen; that is unfortunately not something that anybody can guarantee or foresee. All you can do is to please do the full course and see your vet promptly if there is an adverse reaction or if there is no sign of improvement by the time you need to book a follow up appointment without creating a gap in the antibiotic in case your vet decides to prescribe a second round.

All the best!
I will be praying that it works and hope to see Stripe popcorn again in the next couple weeks. Haven't seen him popcorn in two weeks.
Good luck lovely Stripe I hope you’re soon back to normal 🥰
The vet recommended sending out the X-rays to a specialist, so we did.

He has an inner ear infection and some lung issues!

I knew he wasn't right!

He'll start his antibiotics Tuesday.

Finally getting some answers!

You know Stripe best. Well done for persevering! Hope he soon feels better.
I'm a fitness enthusiast and instructor, i love nature and do take lots of nature walks and hiking.
I'm looking to make new friends. I live in Sydney Australia.
Stripe has been on antibiotics for three days now for his inner ear infection. But he seems to have gone kinda lame in his back right leg.

Is this reversible with continued antibiotics?
I hope you find good emergency vet and he gets better. When mine was sick he was like that too. Didn't walk away at all when i was going to pick him up. Just sat there quietly. Didn't put up a fight at all. That day I rushed him to the emergency as well. I knew he was getting better when he started to run away again. Now he is all good. I hope your baby boy recovers too. Keep us updated ❤️
Oh dear, hope he's feeling better soon 😔 Sounds like he could do with pain relief perhaps?
Stripe may or may not have a sprain to his spine or possibly neurological issues related to or not the ear infection.

Metacam for another week and keep the recheck with his vet.

She recommended separation of the boys for six months or permanently in case Chez's mounting is respraining his back.
Oh dear, it must be very sore. Yes, he can rest more easily without his young friend putting pressure on his back.
How long till Stripe forgets the scary vet visit? He is staying in his hide, but will eat if I put food near it.

I want to clean his bottom but don't want to traumatize him. Can it wait till tomorrow?
Vet put Stripe on baytril and doxycycline because the Ditrim wasn't working.

How long till they kick in for the ear infection?
Antibiotics are quick when I take them, so a day or two should see a difference. It's hard to tell as the pain could continue for longer. If Stripe is more energetic that would be good. Of course, they might affect his eating patterns if they disturb gut bacteria. It's tricky, I think. Giving him a guinea pig probiotic could be good, a good quality one for guinea pigs.
Stripe has been on baytril and doxycycline for 72 hours. I saw him run from his snuggle sack to his hide this morning and he didn't drag his back legs but he's been in his hide all day.

How long till he gets back some mobility? He has stopped whimpering.
Poor boy! It's looking positive. Perhaps after a week he will come out and graze again. It's great that he's not whimpering, it must mean he's much more comfortable although he may be tired.