New Cage Idea

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Apr 2, 2011
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
I thought of a new idea for the cage. This will not require as much laundry and won't require any bedding. The idea started from this bedding thread on

The whole cage will be made from plexiglass. The floors will be sloped for liquid to drain into a bucket under the cage.

The top will be lined with garage drainage tiles, giving the pigs a leveled floor and then add shelf liner for softness (as mentioned in the bedding thread).


These pictures show the slope underneath the tiles.


The whole cage will be 15 sq.ft (5 ft by 3 ft). It's a bit smaller than my current cage, but still plenty big for 2 pigs.

What do you think?
These are some pictures from the bedding thread on That whole cage is lined with shelf liners.




I got some ideas on how to clean the cage. Since it's all plastic/plexiglass. I can pour vinegar on the whole thing and wipe it down.

The tiles are removable and can be washed in the dish washer.

The shelf liner can be washed in the washer, it's still gonna be some laundry to do, but much less than fleece/towels/absorbent liner.

The shelf liner is kind of cushiony rubber. Do you think that will be soft enough? I'd still give the pigs their cozy beds to sleep on.
The cage idea itself looks great - is the shelf liner material absorbent?

I use washable bed pads that are sewn to my fleece material - so mine kinda resemble a sheet that i just pop in the wash. Someone else also made a thread on here on how to make a cage liner - it looked dead simple to do and was one continuous sheet - so hardly no laundry :)

i'll be watching this thread with anticipation rolleyes
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The shelf liner is made from rubbery stuff. It not's absorbnt at all and will allow water to drain through.

My current cages are lined with fleece and recycled denim pads. I have two 18 sq.ft cages that I change once a week and laundry is getting to be a bit much. I'm paying $10 a week at the laundromat plus $10 a week for the feeding area bedding. Currently using paperbased pellets in the feeding area.
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