New cage help

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 2, 2011
Reaction score
Oregon, USA
I have two female guineas living together in a 2 by 3 foot homemade (not bought from a pet store) cage. I am looking to get a new cage that is about the same size and can put towels down so that the guineas can't get under them. I have looked at a few dogs crates and small animal cages at a pet store. Any suggestions for cages that might work?

8) IHorseCarzzy5 8)
Your pigs need a minimum of 4ft x 2ft cage so the one you've made isn't big enough I'm afraid. I'm not quite sure what you're wanting to do with the second cage? Do you mean to put more pigs in, or as some sort add on to the one you already have? It's better to go out rather than up, especially as it's not big enough anyway. Pigs will tunnel under towels usually, so you'd need fleece over the top. If you explain in more detail about what you're trying to do you may get some better advise.
I am looking to get a new cage for my pigs. I have been using towels/fleece for three years and i want to continue but with a new cage. Ideas on where I could get a cage?
thanks for site tho it is of no use to me as i live in the USA. I dont think shipping a cage of that size would be easy. (UK to USA)
Yes that site is american. The cage my girls live in is a C&C type cage. I am looking to find something with a lid.
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