New C&C cage - how many pigs

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
High Wycombe
I've just revamped my guinea pig cage to a new c and c cage giving a surface area of 14.5 ft. How many piggies would fit in the cage amply? What sort of size cages do other people have in what size cages? I've got 3 adult piggies in there at the moment and they look a bit lost! Wondering if I could increase my herd a bit!
Sounds fab :)) Pigtures are a must on here ;)
I have two intact boars and two neutered living next door to each other in a two storey 6ft x 2.5ft c & c that gives them a good run around of 12 x 5 ft sq.
Our two girlies live approx. 18" above the neutered boys in a 7ft x 2.5ft pen, originally a single level 12ft space but we segregated it off to keep 5ft as a spare pen for any number of reasons :{
Pics are not too good but gives you an idea of what you can do with C & C:
Thanks - that's really helpful. I'm loving the C and C cage set up and I phoned the RSPCA earlier today to see if I could adopt a piggy but the lady got really huffy with me and told me that my enclosure was completely out of the question from the dimensions. This was after she had thought that my cage was 100 square foot from my measurements and when I pointed out that it was 14.7 feet in area she told me that would only just be the right size for two! She also couldn't believe that I keep them inside - 'what about all the mess' she said! I got really paranoid that I was keeping my piggies in inhumane conditions - three more pampered piggies there have never lived! :)
According to guinea pig cage size requirements 13 square foot is is the preferred size for 3 - so what the RSPCA told you isn't too far wrong (providing i read your last post correct with your C&C measuring 14.7 square foot in size - sorry if i mis-read it)

For each pig you would need an additional 2.5 square foot - so to squeeze another in you'd need a preferred size of 15.5 square foot - that would be the preferred size for 4 pigs.

However if you look and go by the minimum cage sizes - yours should by ideal for 4 pigs :) (i hope that makes sense)

Have a look at this site - it lists the minimum & preferred sizes:
ok, that's really great. So I'm about 1.7 feet over the minimum for 4 pigs at the moment. I have spare panels from my ScrewFix boxes so I could easily extend the size of the cage for added space. Brilliant, thanks everyone.
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