New Boars Biting Me, Drawing Blood Please Help!


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 6, 2017
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I got my two boars on Sunday from Pets Corner - I went there because they have good ethics with their small pets (no profit, regularly handled, often refuse sales etc.) and because there's no rescues near me. I read a lot on here, and other sites, did all of my research. They have a 120 ferplast and have plenty of room, hay, two of everything. We left them alone for the first 48 hours and let them settle.

My boyfriend was able to pick up and hold Lemmy on the second day. Obviously he still did the standard "piggy fleeing" but once he had him, he settled on his lap and was fine. Django is a bit more skittish, but once he had him, again he cuddles up. When I visited them frequently at the store (I had them reserved for a month) the girl was able to get them out for handling and allow me to hold no problem.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I cannot handle them at ALL :(
I tried taking it slowly, putting my hand in the cage so they can sniff me and they had a gentle tug on my fingers, testing me out. I moved on to stroking them gently. While I was stroking Lemmy, he growled - I'm sure it was a growl because it was the same noise Django makes when Lemmy gets too close to him in a small space (they're 3 months and working out who's in charge atm). So I left him alone. If I even touch Django, he flinches and runs. They run off as normal when trying to be picked up. My boyfriend thinks I'm too hesitant as he just grabs them, but I'm terrified of hurting them.

I absolutely cannot get hold of Django. I got Lemmy after some cornering and he would not stop struggling or settle, which he usually does for everyone else. I tried what I read on guinea lynx about holding them gently but firmly until they stop struggling. Then he started biting. Quite hard. It hurt and he drew blood. So I put him back. He was squeaking the entire time.

I'm a bit upset because I've always read that guinea pigs seldom bite and only bite hard if there's something really wrong but honestly I have no idea what I'm doing wrong! Please can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong, and how can I pick them up? I read about using cosies and tunnels but it did not work. I wouldn't mind but it seems to be only me. I know they're used to handling so I can't understand it.
I got my two boars on Sunday from Pets Corner - I went there because they have good ethics with their small pets (no profit, regularly handled, often refuse sales etc.) and because there's no rescues near me. I read a lot on here, and other sites, did all of my research. They have a 120 ferplast and have plenty of room, hay, two of everything. We left them alone for the first 48 hours and let them settle.

My boyfriend was able to pick up and hold Lemmy on the second day. Obviously he still did the standard "piggy fleeing" but once he had him, he settled on his lap and was fine. Django is a bit more skittish, but once he had him, again he cuddles up. When I visited them frequently at the store (I had them reserved for a month) the girl was able to get them out for handling and allow me to hold no problem.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I cannot handle them at ALL :(
I tried taking it slowly, putting my hand in the cage so they can sniff me and they had a gentle tug on my fingers, testing me out. I moved on to stroking them gently. While I was stroking Lemmy, he growled - I'm sure it was a growl because it was the same noise Django makes when Lemmy gets too close to him in a small space (they're 3 months and working out who's in charge atm). So I left him alone. If I even touch Django, he flinches and runs. They run off as normal when trying to be picked up. My boyfriend thinks I'm too hesitant as he just grabs them, but I'm terrified of hurting them.

I absolutely cannot get hold of Django. I got Lemmy after some cornering and he would not stop struggling or settle, which he usually does for everyone else. I tried what I read on guinea lynx about holding them gently but firmly until they stop struggling. Then he started biting. Quite hard. It hurt and he drew blood. So I put him back. He was squeaking the entire time.

I'm a bit upset because I've always read that guinea pigs seldom bite and only bite hard if there's something really wrong but honestly I have no idea what I'm doing wrong! Please can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong, and how can I pick them up? I read about using cosies and tunnels but it did not work. I wouldn't mind but it seems to be only me. I know they're used to handling so I can't understand it.

Hi and welcome

Please take the time to make friends with your piggies on their own terms. Start handling after they take food from your hands. Don't rush it. Guinea pigs are prey animals and need time to get used to their new world first; right now, they are in unknown territory and very much on edge, whether they are tweaking or being acquiescent to make a predator lose interest in an unresponsive plaything. Even if they have been handled before doesn't mean that they like it and that they are used to being pets.
Right now, please take a step back and give all of you time to settle down and settle in. Follow the tips on how avoid behaving like a hunting predator and do it the slow way, using piggy whispering techniques to slowly gain their trust. That takes time, but you end up with a happy relationship more quickly. Please remember that you brand new piggies have never been in a pet situation before and are not yet ready for it.

You may find these these guides her helpful in settling down, understanding and interacting with your piggies in terms that they understand and that avoids defence responses.
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language

More helpful information for new guinea pig owners via this link here: New Owners' " How To" Starter Kit
" Biting" And What You Can Do
Don't be sad :( The piggies haven't been with you long, they perhaps just need more settling in time! Don't take it personally, I'm sure they don't mean to upset you!
You could try picking them up in a snuggle-sack and, leaving them in it, put it on your knee and let them come out in their own time. That's what we did with a particularly nervy pig and now he is desperate to come out :'D
I don't think pigglies every really enjoy being picked up, but they do learn to enjoy being held so perhaps work on the picking up aspect the most :)
We also had a biter and the Sanctuary. It took a long time, but with regular, patient handling he realised he wasnt being hurt, and stopped biting of his own accord! I found it helped if I didn't respond or react when he bit me, just left him on my knee and moved my hands away slightly.
Good luck, keep persevering, it'll be worth it when then learn to trust you <3
Firstly take a breath...don't worry and don't think it's you.

I started to type but Wiebke has beaten me to it.

It takes time, lots of time in some cases. The biting sounds like your piggy is very unsure indeed, try the fleece on the lap, once on the lap, I sometimes cover them whilst keeping my hands on the piggy. It can keep them calmer.
My issue at the moment is that while they're like this I can't clean them out properly. I can't even spot clean without sending them into a panic :/
My issue at the moment is that while they're like this I can't clean them out properly. I can't even spot clean without sending them into a panic :/

Please take a look at the guides I have linked in. One of them deals with how to pick up your piggies without having to handle them ;)

I regularly adopt skittish piggies in need of an experienced home; the tips in there allow you to avoid triggering their flight instincts. they come rather willingly once they have figured out that it is a lot less stressful on them. Use a little veg treat at the far end of a walk-in cardboard box that is deep enough. there is a picture in the pick up guide that will show you how. ;)
I got my two boars on Sunday from Pets Corner - I went there because they have good ethics with their small pets (no profit, regularly handled, often refuse sales etc.) and because there's no rescues near me. I read a lot on here, and other sites, did all of my research. They have a 120 ferplast and have plenty of room, hay, two of everything. We left them alone for the first 48 hours and let them settle.

My boyfriend was able to pick up and hold Lemmy on the second day. Obviously he still did the standard "piggy fleeing" but once he had him, he settled on his lap and was fine. Django is a bit more skittish, but once he had him, again he cuddles up. When I visited them frequently at the store (I had them reserved for a month) the girl was able to get them out for handling and allow me to hold no problem.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I cannot handle them at ALL :(
I tried taking it slowly, putting my hand in the cage so they can sniff me and they had a gentle tug on my fingers, testing me out. I moved on to stroking them gently. While I was stroking Lemmy, he growled - I'm sure it was a growl because it was the same noise Django makes when Lemmy gets too close to him in a small space (they're 3 months and working out who's in charge atm). So I left him alone. If I even touch Django, he flinches and runs. They run off as normal when trying to be picked up. My boyfriend thinks I'm too hesitant as he just grabs them, but I'm terrified of hurting them.

I absolutely cannot get hold of Django. I got Lemmy after some cornering and he would not stop struggling or settle, which he usually does for everyone else. I tried what I read on guinea lynx about holding them gently but firmly until they stop struggling. Then he started biting. Quite hard. It hurt and he drew blood. So I put him back. He was squeaking the entire time.

I'm a bit upset because I've always read that guinea pigs seldom bite and only bite hard if there's something really wrong but honestly I have no idea what I'm doing wrong! Please can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong, and how can I pick them up? I read about using cosies and tunnels but it did not work. I wouldn't mind but it seems to be only me. I know they're used to handling so I can't understand it.
I've had the same problem. I've found that just letting my hand sit in the cage and letting them come to you at the beginning is a good was of getting them used to your smell. Another good idea is handling their food with your hands, as well as giving them fresh fruit and veg from your hand. It may take a while for them to take it from you but it's a good start. With the physical picking up and settling, I used garden gloves when picking them up just to be safe at the start. Another thing is when you go to see them if you don't get them out, just give them a little stroke so they know you aren't dangerous. I've only ever had a few nibbles but I've never had blood draw. Best of luck with them! ❤


Thanks for your replies :D
I've been giving them their fresh veg by hand and they come right up to the edge of their cage to get it! I also give them a couple of their pellets by hand before I put their dishes in, because again they get very excited and come right up for them (although Django some times does so by peering around the entrance of their log tunnel). They still flinch if I stroke them while giving them their veg, but other times they allow it.
We were also able to move them to clean out the cage. I think it's definitely a two man job, because we can get one each at the same time, rather than just me trying to get one at a time and them running into each other - lots of growls when that happens. Django is being very dominant at the moment and likes his space, so that may have been where I was going wrong as I think he was stressing Lemmy out further. Also, Lemmy gave my boyfriend a bit of a nip (no blood) when he moved him to the pen, so that made me feel a bit better that it wasn't just me. I'm starting to suspect that Lemmy might be exceptionally nervy because of Django's behaviour....he will occasionally chase him, a bit of bum waggling, growling when he gets in his space. Although Django was a very good boy once I got him out - he definitely enjoys cuddling up and tends to lick fingers rather than biting!
I think the boys are settling in a bit now :) And gorgeous pics btw Jade!
Have you considered a piggy cage, maybe a C&C cage on a stand or table. Mine are in the living room in the latter with no top. Everytime we walk past we either speak to them or stroke them & they tamed fairly quickly. I've used the chin up on some occasions, & if I stroke them around the eye they die of pleasure, asleep & relaxed in no time.