New boar companion for boar


New Born Pup
Aug 20, 2024
Reaction score
Hello! I got a Skinny Pig “Mr. Bigglesworth” (boar) as a Valentine’s Day present. It took a few months to earn his trust, but now that trust is established, he is very sweet! I decided now is a good time to get him a friend “Zorro” (an Abyssinian bore). The habitat is large, but Mr. Biggie was rumbling, chattering & crouching down every time Zorro came out of his hideaway. For 3 days I monitored them and constantly checked Zorro for any injuries, separated them at night for 2 nights, and made sure they were eating separately - communal wasn’t working! In the end, I thought they’d be okay to sleep together for a night. I didn’t separate the 2 and went to bed. When I woke up there was bedding on my carpet. I checked Zorro’s ears and noticed a small slice from a bite caused by Biggie! I decided to purchase a second habitat for Zorro.
Zorro has been doing well and Biggie is happy again… but can they ever be together? Can they have play/exploration time together? Or do they need to be separated at all times?
Welcome to the forum

If their bond has completely failed and they had a fight then no they can never be together again.
Piggies who cannot live in the same cage cannot have play time together and need to kept separate at all times. Putting them together for playtime their bond has failed sounds a nice thing to us but to them it is a bonding session every single time which has no chance of success. It will cause a lot of stress to them as they try and fail to establish a bond and may even cause further fights.
The best thing now is for them to live next door to each other. This way they get the companionship of another pig, but without the risk of fighting!
Many pigs can live happily like this if bonding is not successful 😊